The following Candidates (23 total) are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of their HCAP Assessment after the Range Test held on 14th July 2018 (names, followed by HCAP Number).

Date of Certification: 14th July 2018.

Begley, Kevin, 2018/0094
Burke, Liam, 2018/0112
Condon, Pa, 2018/0115
Cullen, James, 2018/0095
Daly, Steven, 2018/0070
Duggan, Jamie, 2018/0057
Earle, Edward, 2018/0097
Flynn, David, 2018/0053
Galvin, Emmet, 2018/0005
Hanna, John, 2018/0105
Hanna, Robert, 2018/0106
Hourigan, Gerard, 2017/0187
Keyes, Paul, 2018/0090
Kinsella, Jason, 2018/0098
Lambert John, 2018/0110
McNally, Garrett, 2018/0102
McNally, Shane, 2018/0101
Mongey, Eamon, 2018/0096
Mullen, Philip, 2017/0180
O’Reilly, Wesley, 2018/0073
Smith, Daragh, 2018/0108
Whelan, Ronnie, 2018/0068
Wychowalek, Radoslaw, 2018/0103

All Candidates in attendance were successful and were presented with their HCAP Certificates, ID Cards and Badges at the conclusion of their successful Range Test. A high standard of marksmanship was evident from all candidates. Thanks go to HCAP Range Officers Pat Scully and Liam McGarry for their able administration of the Range Test, also to Tony Saunders and all at Midland National Shooting Centre of Ireland for their very professional management of the Test on the Range.

There were 13 qualified Deferrals/No-Shows, who will have their opportunity of completing the Range Test stage of HCAP on SATURDAY 4th AUGUST 2018 (confirmed date).


Burke, Conor, 2018/0113
Brown, Martin, 2017/0116
Butler, Brian, 2018/0114
Butler, Rupert, 2018/0086
Corcoran, David, 2017/0166
Dunne, Philip, 2018/0099
Ivanoff, Eftim, 2018/0050
McCann, Jim, 2017/0098
Monaghan, Jason, 2018/0020
Ó Conchubhair, Nick, 2018/0109
O’Keeffe, Danny, 2018/0012
Shanahan, Maurice, 2018/0058
Spencer-Jones, Luke, 2017/0024

All Deferrals/No-Shows should note that where two successive Range Tests are missed without notification and reasonable excuse for absence, such Candidates may only complete the HCAP process by re-entering the Range Test stage as Repeat Candidates, subject to €50.00 Repeat Fee.



The next and final HCAP MCQ in the 2018 Summer Series (the last in the 2018 Series) will be held on Saturday 21st July 2018 at 3.30 p.m. in the Ionad Dara Centre, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny. The supporting Range Test will be held at the Midland Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co.Offaly on SATURDAY 4th AUGUST 2018 (confirmed date).

The following Candidates are eligible to participate in the MCQ on 21st July:

Adamus, Lukasz
Barry, James
Brennan, Gary
Breslin, Charles
Cherek, Marcin
Dallaghan, Maurice
Delaney, Liam
Edge, Robert
Fenton, Roland
Flaherty, James
Forde, Desmond
Hegarty, Michael
Hyland, Enda
Joyce, James
Kecskes, Zoltan
Lambert, Kevin
Lane, Michael
Leskovics, Aldis
McManus, Rory
Murphy, Robert
O’Hanlon, Chris
Quinlan, Ken
Tice, Patrick
Whelan, John

This list will be updated with accordance with applications received after first posting.

Deer Alliance HCAP Assessments are not normally run during the Open Season September – February so this will be the last opportunity for intending HCAP Candidates to participate in 2018.


An optional Training Workshop will also be held at the same venue as the MCQ on Saturday 21st July 2018, running from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. The add-on cost of the Workshop is €50.00, payable on registration on the day. Candidates wishing to attend the Workshop should notify their intention by email to or by text to 086 1927 845.

(IFA Countryside Candidates listed above [HCAP Nos. 2018/0080, 2018/0082 and 2018/0111 above] are already enrolled for the Workshop, with subscription pre-paid).


The Range Test for HCAP Candidates having successfully completed their MCQ on 30th June 2018 will take place on Saturday 14th July 2018 at the Midland National Shooting Ground, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m. sharp. Candidates should be present from 9.30 a.m. in order to sign in and to exhibit their current Firearms Certificate and evidence of insurance. Candidates are listed alphabetically and will shoot in firing details of multiple shooters (minimum twenty shooters in each detail). Procedures to be followed at each Range Test are posted separately.

This list includes some Candidates who previously deferred or were No-Shows at earlier Range Tests in 2018 but who remain eligible to participate on 14th July 2018.


Begley, Kevin, 2018/0094
Burke, Conor, 2018/0113
Brown, Martin, 2017/0116
Burke, Liam, 2018/0112
Butler, Brian, 2018/0114
Butler, Rupert, 2018/0086
Condon, Pa, 2018/0115
Corcoran, David, 2017/0166
Cullen, James, 2018/0095
Daly, Steven, 2018/0070
Duggan, Jamie, 2018/0057
Dunne, Philip, 2018/0099
Earl, Edward, 2018/0097
Flynn, David, 2018/0053
Galvin, Emmet, 2018/0005
Hanna, John, 2018/0105
Hanna, Robert, 2018/0106
Hourigan, Gerard, 2017/0187
Ivanoff, Eftim, 2018/0050
O’Keeffe, Danny, 2018/0012
Keyes, Paul, 2018/0090
Kinsella, Jason, 2018/0098
Lambert John, 2018/0110
McCann, Jim, 2017/0098
McNally, Garrett, 2018/0102
McNally, Shane, 2018/0101
Monaghan, Jason, 2018/0020
Mongey, Eamon, 2018/0096
Mullen, Philip, 2017/0180
Ó Conchubhair, Nick, 2018/0109
O’Reilly, Wesley, 2018/0073
Shanahan, Maurice, 2018/0058
Smith, Daragh, 2018/0108
Spencer-Jones, Luke, 2017/0024
Whelan, Ronnie, 2018/0068
Wychowalek, Radoslaw, 2018/0103


The following Candidates remain eligible for the next scheduled HCAP MCQ taking place in July 2018, being Deferrals or No-Shows at the MCQ which took place on Saturday 30th June 2018.

The date of the next MCQ will be posted here as soon as confirmed (most likely date Saturday 21st July 2018 at 3.30 p.m.)

Adamus, Lukasz, 2018/0100
Breslin, Charles, 2018/0075
Dallaghan, Maurice, 2018/0069
Delaney, Liam, 2017/0175
Edge, Robert, 2018/0104
Fenton, Roland, 2018/0107
Flaherty, James, 2018/0051
Forde, Desmond, 2017/0177
Hegarty, Michael, 2017/0186
Hyland, Enda, 2017/0181
Joyce, James, 2017/0183
Lambert, Kevin, 2018/0111
Lane, Michael, 2017/0081
McManus, Rory, 2017/0184
O’Hanlon, Chris, 2017/191
Quinlan, Ken, 2018/0082
Tice, Patrick, 2018/0007
Whelan, John, 2018/0080


The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on Saturday 30th June 2018 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 14th July 2018. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately in due course.

In addition, Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at the Range Test held on Saturday 26th May 2018 will be eligible to participate on 14th July 2018 and will be added to the list of names when posted here.

Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at this MCQ on 30th June 2018 will be carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ, except where they have missed two or more MCQs without notice (date to be announced).

2018/0114, 92%, P
2018/0115, 88%, P
2018/0097, 90%, P
2018/0105, 88%, P
2018/0094, 92%, P
2018/0113, 98%, P
2018/0112, 100%, P
2018/0106, 94%, P
2018/0098, 86%, P
2018/0110, 96%, P
2018/0102, 92%, P
2018/0101, 98%, P
2018/0096, 96%, P
2017/0180, 100%, P
2018/0109, 86%, P
2018/0108, 98%, P
2018/0068, 80%, P
2018/0103, 98%, P
2018/0095, 96%, P
2018/0070, 94%, P
2018/0099, 88%, P

On this occasion all participating candidates passed the MCQ.

Note: One Candidate recorded an incorrect HCAP Number on his MCQ paper. That Candidate’s correct number and MCQ Result are given above. In case of query the Candidate in question should contact the Director of HCAP on 086 1927 845.


Fallow buck in velvet (click to enlarge)

Information recently made available by National Parks & Wildlife Service (Wildlife Licensing Unit) shows that the number of Deer Hunting Licences issued for the Season 2017/2018 rose to 5150, an increase of 220 on the previous season high of 4930.


The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine have issued a notification to the effect that the tender for the provision of deer management services in Co. Wicklow has been won by Wicklow Uplands Council, whose bid is described by DAFM as the most economically advantageous tender.

In line with public procurement legislation, DAFM will not conclude a contract with Wicklow Uplands Council until on or after midnight on 16th June 2018. This standstill notice is issued as required by the Remedies Directive (2007/66/EC) and the implementing Irish Regulations (SI 130 of 2010 and S.I 192 of 2015).

Wicklow Uplands Council is a private company limited by guarantee, having twenty-seven directors elected annually and acting as an independent voluntary organisation representing over fifty diverse member groups and individuals in the Wicklow Uplands, arranged over four panels reflecting different areas of interest. There is a ten-person Executive Committee, including four designated Officers.

Wicklow Uplands Council is a registered lobbying group, registered under the provisions of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015.

The provision of deer management services appears to be a new departure for Wicklow Uplands Council.

For information on the Request for Tenders (RFT) issued by DAFM, see archived postings on this blog for February 2018.

Follow link for information on Wicklow Uplands Council



The General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) came into effect on the 25th May 2018. The GDPR gives individuals more control of and more rights in relation to the processing of their personal data. As such, Deer Alliance HCAP is required to keep its HCAP Candidates including HCAP-Certified Candidates informed about the data it holds, the purpose for which it is held and used, and what rights Candidates have in relation to how that data is processed.

Candidates’ Data Held

In relation to each HCAP Candidate, Deer Alliance HCAP holds data including:

1: Name, Address, including Eircode, telephone number(s), Email address, Individual HCAP Number, Assessment Records and Date of Certification

2: In addition, Deer Alliance HCAP may hold historical information which includes Candidates’ details in electronic and hard copy format including details of firearms used, membership of other deer interest groups and insurance held.

Purpose of Processing Candidates’ Data and Parties with whom Data may be Shared

Deer Alliance HCAP processes the data of Candidates’ data in electronic and in paper format for a number of purposes, including the following;

1: to allow us to contact Candidates in relation to Deer Alliance HCAP business

2: to allow us to include Candidates’ details in the Register of HCAP-Certified Candidates (which may be published to third parties including Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service and Garda Siochána for purposes of validating information supplied or applications made by Candidates).

3: to respond to requests made by Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service or Garda Siochána seeking Candidates’ details for the purpose of confirming information provided by Candidates or for the purpose of lawful inquiries being conducted by those bodies.

Under Data Protection Law and the GDPR, we are required to ensure that there is an appropriate basis for the processing of the personal data of Candidates and to let each such person know what the basis for processing their data is.

In relation to the personal data held and processed by Deer Alliance HCAP, the primary bases that we rely on for the processing of the data are (a) processing necessary to allow us to pursue our legitimate interests as a body established for the purpose of training, assessment and certification of licensed deer hunters, and (b) processing based on the consent of each respective Candidate whose data is held.


Type of Data

Candidates’ details as previously provided to Deer Alliance HCAP; Candidates’ details as set out in forms submitted after the issuing of this document; Minutes of Deer Alliance HCAP meetings; documents relating to and comprising of existing enquiries; documents relating to and comprising of enquiries submitted after the issuing of this document.

Format Held

Electronic and hard copy format

Retention Period

For the duration of the period of training, assessment and certification and for a further term of seven years thereafter except where consent is retracted or erasure of information has been requested, subject to the efficient management of Dee Alliance HCAP business affairs; and in the case of the Register of HCAP-Certified Candidates, indefinitely.

Consent to Processing of Candidates’ Data

The GDPR provides that consent to processing and retention of personal information must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguously indicated. For this reason, Deer Alliance HCAP require that candidates indicate consent for the processing of personal data by completing the Consent Form which is part of the Online Application or in other circumstances, by completing a hard-copy Consent Form.

Granting of consent is voluntary but without it, Deer Alliance HCAP cannot operate efficiently. Candidates have the right to access information held and to retract consent at any time and also have the right to erasure of all personal information retained by Deer Alliance HCAP, either during the term of training, assessment and certification or after termination of that process.

Withdrawal of Consent to Processing of Candidates’ Data

Candidates are entitled to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by the Deer Alliance HCAP at any time by notifying Deer Alliance HCAP accordingly in writing or by email.

Contact Details:

Deer Alliance HCAP,
P. O. Box 1,
Co. Carlow.


The following Candidates (45 total) are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of their HCAP Assessment following the  Range Test held on 26th May 2018 (names, followed by HCAP Number).

Date of Certification: 26th May 2018.

Bermingham, Jeffrey, 2018/0065
Brady, Ashton, 2018/0074
Brock, Denis, 2018/0060
Buston, Evin, 2018/0077
Butler, Jamie, 2018/0084
Butler, Seamus, 2018/0083
Carolan, David, 2018/0061
Cashman, Vincent, 2018/0006
Chan, Bobby, 2017/0139
Chan, Ryan, 2017/0140
Coffey, Joe, 2018/0088
Cullen, Jonathan, 2018/0064
Doherty, Keith, 2018/0062
Fox, Denis, 2017/0118
Gacesa, Milorad, 2018/0033
Gallagher, Thomas, 2018/0034
Gallagher, William, 2018/0067
Graham, David, 2018/0028
Hickey, Gary, 2017/0176
Horan, Ben, 2018/0076
Howell, Myles, 2017/0179
Kehoe, Declan, 2018/0079
Keyes, Patrick, 2018/0089
Lambert, Jimmy, 2018/0087
Langrell, Will, 2018/0066
Lennon, Stephen, 2018/0052
Lynch, Kevin, 2017/0124
Macari, Costantino, 2018/0054
McDermott, Tony, 2018/0072
McKeown, Garth, 2018/0059
Meaney, Michael, 2018/0093
Murphy, Kenneth, 2018/0055
Murray, Patrick, 2017/0178
Murtagh, Damien, 2018/0071
Ochwat, Ryszard, 2018/0046
O’Mahony, Killian, 2017/0200
Ryan, James, 2018/0063
Scanlon, John, 2017/0121
Shortall, William, 2018/0081
Smyth, Gary, 2015/0017
Sikora, Krzysztof, 2018/0056
O’Sullivan, Pat, 2018/0085
Tuohy, Denis, 2018/0091
Walker, David, 2018/0078

All Candidates in attendance were successful and were presented with their HCAP Certificates, ID Cards and Badges at the conclusion of their successful Range Test. A high standard of marksmanship was evident from all candidates. Thanks go to HCAP Range Officers Pat Scully and Liam McGarry for their able administration of the Range Test, also to Tony Saunders and all at Midland National Shooting Centre of Ireland for their very professional management of the Test on the Range.

There were 15 qualified Deferrals/No-Shows, who will have their opportunity of completing the Range Test stage of HCAP on 14th July 2018.


Brown, Martin, 2017/0116
Butler, Rupert, 2018/0086
Corcoran, David, 2017/0166
Duggan, Jamie, 2018/0057
Flynn, David, 2018/0053
Galvin, Emmet, 2018/0005
Hourigan, Gerard, 2017/0187
Ivanoff, Eftim, 2018/0050
Keyes, Paul, 2018/0090
McCann, Jim, 2017/0098
Monaghan, Jason, 2018/0020
O’Keeffe, Danny, 2018/0012
O’Reilly, Wesley, 2018/0073
Shanahan, Maurice, 2018/0058
Spencer-Jones, Luke, 2017/0024

Note: Candidates who miss two successive Range Tests due to Deferral for good reason or No-Show without notice will be de-listed as Eligible Candidates and  will be required to re-apply (Range Test only) and pay the standard Repeat Fee of €50.00 if they wish to complete the programme.