The following Candidates are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of their HCAP Assessment after the Range Test held on 14th September 2019 (names, followed by HCAP Number).

Date of Certification: 14th September 2019.

Agavriloaie, Sorin, 2019/0044
Bishti, Karl, 2019/0031
Bockariov, Pavel, 2019/0065
Boland, Brian, 2019/0064
Callanan, Ross, 2019/0076
Christy, Barry, 2019/0067
Cleere, Gavin, 2019/0077
Ferron, Thomas, 2019/0068
Fitzgerald, Edmund, 2019/0072
Forde, Seán, 2019/0060
Hurley, Eric, 2019/0062
Kennedy, Daniel, 2019/0073
Mackevicius, Arunas, 2018/0127
Magee, Rory, 2019/0043
Murray, Daniel, 2019/0071
Nolan, James, 2019/0070
O’Keeffe, Danny, 2018/0012
O’Keeffe, Robert, 2019/0058
Ó Maoilchiaráin, Paraic, 2019/0069
Robertson, Drew, 2019/0010
Rothwell, Ivan, 2019/075
Scholz, Felix, 2019/0059
Voitukovic, Edvard, 2019/0066
White, Conor, 2019/0057

All Candidates in attendance were successful on this occasion and were presented with their personal HCAP Certificates, ID Cards and Badges at the conclusion of the Range Test. A high standard of marksmanship was evident from all candidates. Thanks go to HCAP Range Officers Pat Scully and John Manley for their able administration of the Range Test, also to Tony Saunders, John Paul Craven and all at Midland National Shooting Centre of Ireland for their usual very professional management of the Test on the Range.

This was the last HCAP Assessment and Range Test in the 2019 Series. The 2020 Calendar will be posted here when dates are fixed.

Candidates who were No-Shows on this occasion will be carried forward to the next scheduled Range Test, except where they have missed two or more Range Tests, in which cases they are automatically de-listed as eligible and can complete their HCAP only on payment of the standard HCAP Repeat Fee.


The Range Test for HCAP Candidates having successfully completed their MCQs on 31st August 2019 and in some cases, on previous dates, will take place on Saturday 14th September 2019 at the Midland National Shooting Ground, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m. sharp. The list includes candidates eligible for the Range Test following qualification at previous MCQs but having deferred their Range Test on previous occasions. Such candidates are reminded that if having deferred two or more Range Tests, they miss the Range Test on 14th September 2019 they will be delisted as eligible and may complete their HCAP only by re-entering for the Range Test stage and paying a Repeat Fee of €50.00.

Candidates should be present from 9.30 a.m. in order to sign in and to exhibit their current Firearms Certificate and evidence of insurance. Candidates are listed alphabetically and will shoot in firing details of multiple shooters (usually fifteen to twenty shooters in each detail).

Procedures to be followed at each Range Test are posted separately.


Agavriloaie, Sorin
Bishti, Karl
Bockariov, Pavel
Boland, Brian
Callanan, Ross
Christy, Barry
Cleere, Gavin
Doran, Mark
Ferron, Thomas
Fitzgerald, Edmund
Forde, Sean
Hurley, Eric
Ivanoff, Eftim
Kennedy, Daniel
Mackevicius, Arunas
Magee, Rory
Murray, Daniel
Nolan, James
O’Keeffe, Danny
O’Keeffe, Robert
O’Maoilchiarain, Paraic
O’Toole, Niall
Robertson, Drew
Rothwell, Ivan
Scholz, Felix
Shanahan, Maurice
Venables, Aaron
Voitukovic, Edvard
White, Conor


The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on Saturday 31st August 2019 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 14th September 2019. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately in due course.

Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at this MCQ on 31st August 2019 will be carried forward to the first scheduled MCQ in 2020, except where they have missed two or more MCQs without notice. The schedule of dates for 2020 will be posted here in due course.

2019/0058, 96%, Pass
2019/0069, 96%, Pass
2019/075, 100%, Pass
2019/0059, 98%, Pass
2019/0044, 94%, Pass
2019/0031. 94%, Pass
2019/0065, 86%, Pass
2019/0064, 100%, Pass
2019/0076, 82%, Pass
2019/0067, 98%, Pass
2019/0060, 98%, Pass
2019/0062, 100%, Pass
2019/0073, 98%, Pass
2018/0127, 90%, Pass
2019/0043, 92%, Pass
2019/0071, 96%, Pass
2019/0070, 86%, Pass
2019/0066, 88%, Pass
2019/0057, 90%, Pass
2019/0077, 96%, Pass
2019/0074, 98%, Pass
2019/0068, 88%, Pass
2019/0072, 80%, Pass

The following candidates (HCAP number, followed by mark achieved) were unsuccessful and are required to re-sit the MCQ stage before proceeding to any Range Test. The application fee for Repeat Candidates is €50.00. “Fail” grades may be appealed to the HCAP Assessment Committee, subject to written application accompanied by re-checking fee, €50.00. Where written application for re-checking is received, it is reviewed by the Committee at the next scheduled Committee meeting following receipt of application. Applications for re-checking must be received within 10 (ten) days of publication of results on this blog.

2017/0175, 62%, Fail
2019/0061, 68%, Fail


(click to enlarge)

The next HCAP MCQ in the 2019 Series will take place on Saturday 31st August 2019 (3.30 p.m.) in the Ionad Dara Community Centre, Chapel Street, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny (eircode R95 D654). The Range Test for successful candidates from this MCQ will be held on Saturday 14th September 2019 (starting at 10.00 sharp). All Range Tests currently take place at the Midland National Shooting Ground, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

Candidates unable to participate on 31st August 2019 will be automatically carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ, the date of which will be fixed and notified here in due course, as soon as confirmed.


Agavriloaie, Sorin
Bishti, Karl
Bockariov, Pavel
Boland, Brian
Callanan, Ross
Christy, Barry
Cleere, Gavin
Delaney, Liam
Doran, Mark
Edge, Robert
Ferron, Thomas
Fitzgerald, Edmund
Flaherty, James
Forde, Sean
Hunt, William
Hurley, Eric
Hutchinson, Robert
Kennedy, Daniel
Mackevicius, Arunas
Magee, Stephen
McCann, Donal
Murray, Daniel
Nolan, James
O’Keeffe, Robert
O’Maoilchiarain, Paraic
Rothwell, Ivan
Scholz, Felix
Tice, Patrick
Voitukovic, Edvard
White, Conor

The MCQ will be supported by an optional Training Workshop, running from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on the same day as the MCQ (same venue). Bookings for the Workshop can be made by text message to 086 1927 845 or by email to Payment €50.00 is to be made on the day.

Although optional for candidates, it is recommended for all. The Workshop is broken down into a number of modules, covering species recognition, habits & habitat, practical deer management, deer & forestry, recognition of disease in wild shot deer, fieldcraft, safe use and security of firearms, the law concerning hunting of wild deer and best-practice procedures in all aspects of hunting deer in Ireland.

Candidates are expected to prepare fully for the MCQ. Thirty hours of self-study is recommended in order to prepare fully.

The Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual is an optional purchase and can be purchased online through the Deer Alliance website, cost €35.00 including p. & p.

The Deer Alliance Hunter Competence Assessment Programme (HCAP) is the only training course, assessment and certification programme developed in partnership with Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Forest Service, Garda Siochana, Irish Farmers’ Association and the different national deer organisations (including Irish Deer Society and the Wild Deer Association of Ireland). HCAP is mandatory for all licensed hunters hunting on Coillte forest property, and in line with a Ministerial undertaking to the Irish Deer Management Forum, will shortly be mandatory for all applicants for the annual Deer Hunting Licence (DHL), including persons hunting on private land. HCAP is the gold standard in training and assessment and the standard by which other courses are judged.


The following Candidates are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of their HCAP Assessment after the Range Test held on 13th July 2019 (names, followed by HCAP Number).

Date of Certification: 13th July 2019.

Bonnie, Lee, 2019/0052
Breen, Gary, 2019/0040
Casey, John, 2019/0024
Cichorczyk, Grzegorz, 2019/0051
Condren, Sean, 2019/0001
Cosgrove, Garry, 2019/0045
Daly, William, 2019/0038
Daniel, Robert, 2019/0056
Dobbs, David, 2019/0053
Engmann, Daken, 2019/0046
Gut, Robert, 2019/0055
Kerr, Victor, 2019/0036
Kirby, Colm, 2018/0124
McCormick, Davin, 2019/0049
McManus, Rory, 2017/0184
O’Brien, James, 2019/0048
O’Rourke, Darren, 2019/0054
Snell, Trevor, 2019/0047
Sroczynski, Zdzislaw, 2019/0050
Walsh, Gabriel (Snr.), 2019/0041
Walsh, Gabriel (Jnr.), 2019/0042
Webbon, Peter, 2019/0014
Winters, Michael, 2019/0039

All Candidates in attendance were successful on this occasion and were presented with their HCAP Certificates, ID Cards and Badges at the conclusion of their successful Range Test. A high standard of marksmanship was evident from all candidates. Thanks go to HCAP Range Officers Liam McGarry and John Manley for their able administration of the Range Test, also to Tony Saunders, John Paul Craven and all at Midland National Shooting Centre of Ireland for their usual very professional management of the Test on the Range.

Candidates who were No-Shows on this occasion will be carried forward to the next scheduled Range Test in 2019, except where they have missed two or more Range Tests, in which cases they are automatically de-listed as eligible and can complete their HCAP only on payment of the standard HCAP Repeat Fee.


(click to enlarge)

The Range Test for HCAP Candidates having successfully completed their MCQs on 22nd June 2019, and in some cases on previous dates, will take place on Saturday 13th July 2019 at the Midland National Shooting Ground, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m. sharp. The list includes candidates eligible for the Range Test following qualification at previous MCQs but having deferred their Range Test on previous occasions. Such candidates are reminded that if having deferred two or more Range Tests, they miss the Range Test on 13th July 2019 they will be delisted as eligible and may complete their HCAP only by re-entering for the Range Test stage and paying a Repeat Fee of €50.00.

Candidates should be present from 9.30 a.m. in order to sign in and to exhibit their current Firearms Certificate and evidence of insurance. Candidates are listed alphabetically and will shoot in firing details of multiple shooters (minimum twenty shooters in each detail).

Procedures to be followed at each Range Test are posted separately.


Bonnie, Lee
Breen, Gary
Casey, John
Cichorczyk, Grzegorz
Condren, Sean
Cosgrove, Garry
Daly, William
Daniel, Robert
Dobbs, David
Engmann, Daken
Gut, Robert
Ivanoff, Eftim
Kerr, Victor
Kirby, Colm
McCormick, Davin
McManus, Rory
O’Brien, James
O’Rourke, Darren
O’Toole, Niall
Robertson, Drew
Shanahan, Maurice
Snell, Trevor
Sroczynski, Zdzislaw
Venables, Aaron
Walsh, Gabriel (Snr.)
Walsh, Gabriel (Jnr.)
Webbon, Peter
Winters, Michael

(click to enlarge)





The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on Saturday 22nd June 2019 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 13th July 2019. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately in due course.

Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at this MCQ on 22nd June 2019 will be carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ in 2019, except where they have missed two or more MCQs without notice (date to be announced here when finalised).

2017/0184, 92%, Pass
2019/0048, 100%, Pass
2019/0054, 82%, Pass
2019/0047, 100%, Pass
2019/0052, 86%, Pass
2019/0040, 94%, Pass
2019/0051, 92%, Pass
2019/0045, 98%, Pass
2019/0038, 100%, Pass
2019/0056, 92%, Pass
2019/0053, 98%, Pass
2019/0042, 90%, Pass
2019/0039, 98%, Pass
2019/0046, 98%, Pass
2019/0055, 100%, Pass
2005/03/0016, 100%, Pass
2019/0049, 100%, Pass
2019/0050, 92%, Pass
2019/0041, 90%, Pass

The following candidates (HCAP number, followed by mark achieved) were unsuccessful and are required to re-sit the MCQ stage before proceeding to any Range Test. The application fee for Repeat Candidates is €50.00. “Fail” grades may be appealed to the HCAP Assessment Committee, subject to written application accompanied by re-checking fee, €50.00. Where written application for re-checking is received, it is reviewed by the Committee at the next scheduled Committee meeting following receipt of application. Applications for re-checking must be received within 10 (ten) days of publication of results on this blog. “Fail” Candidates from 22nd June 2019 will have an opportunity to re-sit the MCQ in July or August 2019, subject to applying as Repeat Candidates.

2019/0044, 58%, Fail
2018/0127, 74%, Fail



The next HCAP MCQ in the 2019 Series will take place on Saturday 22nd June 2019 (3.30 p.m.) in the Ionad Dara Community Centre, Chapel Street, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny (eircode R95 D654, GPS Coordinates DD latitude 52.63111, longitude -6.99472 or DMS N 52° 37′ 51.996” W 6° 59′ 40.992”). The Range Test for successful candidates from this MCQ will take place on Saturday 13th July 2019 at the Midland National Shooting Centre, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m.

Candidates unable to participate on 22nd June 2019 will be automatically carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ, the date of which will be fixed and notified here in due course, as soon as confirmed.

This MCQ will be supported by an optional Training Workshop, running from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on the same day as the MCQ (same venue). Bookings for the Workshop can be made by text message to 086 1927 845 or by email to Payment €50.00 is to be made on the day.

Although optional for candidates, it is recommended for all. The Workshop is broken down into a number of modules, covering species recognition, habits & habitat, practical deer management, deer & forestry, recognition of disease in wild shot deer, fieldcraft, safe use and security of firearms, the law concerning hunting of wild deer and best-practice procedures in all aspects of hunting deer in Ireland.

Candidates are expected to prepare fully for the MCQ. Thirty hours of self-study is recommended in order to prepare fully.

The Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual is an optional purchase and can be purchased online through the Deer Alliance website, cost €35.00 including p. & p.

The Deer Alliance Hunter Competence Assessment Programme (HCAP) is the only training course, assessment and certification programme developed in partnership with Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Garda Siochana, Irish Farmers’ Association and the different national deer organisations (including Irish Deer Society and the Wild Deer Association of Ireland). HCAP is mandatory for all licensed hunters hunting on Coillte forest property, and in line with a Ministerial undertaking to the Irish Deer Management Forum, will shortly be mandatory for all applicants for the annual Deer Hunting Licence (DHL), including persons hunting on private land. HCAP is the gold standard in training and assessment and the standard by which other courses are judged.




Coillte Teoranta have opened their 2019 Primary Tender Competition to hunt wild deer on their forest lands for periods of up to five years from the coming Season, 2019-2020.

Click here to access the Catalogue.

The Closing Date for delivery of tenders is 5.00 p.m. on Friday 31st May 2019.

Coillte’s forest estate is administered across eight BAUs (Business Administration Areas) although not all BAUs offer forests in this competition round.

The Catalogue lists approximately 76 licensed areas across six BAUs, totalling approximately 69505 hectares of forested land (less than 16% of Coillte’s total estate). Areas offered range in size from 2102.2 hectares (BAU 1) with a nominated cull of 8 red deer, down to a single one-hectare offering in BAU 5 with a nominated cull of 12 fallow deer.

Coillte stipulate a target cull to be achieved on each forest block. This tender round stipulates a total target cull of just 740 deer (53 red deer, 362 fallow deer, 322 sika deer and 3 red/sika hybrid deer). The target cull is a tiny percentage (less than 3%) of hunters’ declared annual cull of wild deer.

Tender values (calculated on a cost-per-cull basis) vary widely across the country, depending on demand from hunters locally, distance from centres of population (Wicklow being the obvious high-demand centre) and importantly, known populations of deer.



The following Candidates are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of their HCAP Assessment after the Range Test held on 4th May 2019 (names, followed by HCAP Number).

Date of Certification: 4th May 2019.

Buckley, Brendan, 2019/0032
Burke, Brian, 2019/0018
Burke, Ronan, 2018/0128
Breslin, Charles, 2018/0075
Byrne, Brian Patrick, 2019/0023
Byrne, Michael, 2019/0011
Ciobirca, Andrei, 2019/0037
Corcoran, Jonathan, 2019/0026
Dalton, John, 2019/0030
Davitt, Michael, 2019/0006
Delaney, Conor, 2019/0019
Douglas, Conor, 2019/0022
Dunne, Philip, 2018/0099
Durnin, David, 2018/0123
Hall, Kenneth, 2019/0021
Heffernan, Clive, 2019/0017
Holmes, John, 2019/0020
Hussey, Fergus, 2018/0125
Jackson, Greg, 2019/0002
Kavanagh, Richard, 2019/0029
Kelleher, Jason, 2019/0005
Kelly, Gavin, 2018/0126
Lucas, Nik, 2019/0013
Lucas, Timothy, 2019/0012
Mahon, Sean, 2019/0009
Martin, David, 2018/0122
McDaid, Patrick, 2019/0015
Moore, Ordhran, 2019/0016
Mullen, Gary, 2019/0025
Mulligan, Padraig, 2019/0028
O’Brien, Kieran, 2019/0035
O’Driscoll, Darren, 2019/0034
Sweeney, John, 2019/0004
Toomey, Ian, 2019/0007
Vicol, Tudor, 2019/0033
Yavtushenko, Valeriy, 2019/0003

All Candidates in attendance were successful on this occasion and were presented with their HCAP Certificates, ID Cards and Badges at the conclusion of their successful Range Test. A high standard of marksmanship was evident from all candidates. Thanks go to HCAP Range Officers Pat Scully and John Manley for their able administration of the Range Test, also to Tony Saunders and all at Midland National Shooting Centre of Ireland for their usual very professional management of the Test on the Range.

Candidates who were No-Shows on this occasion will be carried forward to the next scheduled Range Test in 2019, except where they have missed two or more Range Tests, in which cases they are automatically de-listed as eligible and can complete their HCAP only on payment of the standard HCAP Repeat Fee.