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The following Candidates are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test taking place at the Midland Rifle Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on Saturday 8 August 2015. All Candidates are reminded of the “180-day Rule”, which provides that Candidates are required to complete the HCAP process, including their Range Test, within 180 days of sitting their first MCQ. Failure to complete within 180 days without notice and reasonable excuse may require the Candidate in question to start the process again, including re-sitting the MCQ. As this is the last Range Test in 2015, Candidates unable to participate should ensure they advise Deer Alliance HCP accordingly in advance of the date.

Candidates are listed to shoot alphabetically, in Firing Details of 15 shooters at a time. The Range Test will commence at 10 a.m. sharp and Candidates are required to be present at the Range not later than 9.30 a.m. in order to register to shoot and to receive a Safety Briefing. Candidates are required to sign in at the Range, to produce a valid Firearms Certificate in respect of the firearm to be used and to produce evidence of valid insurance cover.

Approximately forty minutes are allocated for each Firing Detail and Candidates can estimate their likely start time on this basis. However it is recommended that all Candidates be present on the Range from 9.30 a.m. as places will open up on each Detail where eligible Candidates fail to appear on time or at all.

Candidates are reminded that zeroing of firearms is not permitted on the day of the Range Test.

A full rundown of procedures followed at HCAP Range Tests together with a location map will appear here separately.


Bertels, Gareth, 2015/0091

Braccesi Chiassi, Giovanni , 2015/0105

Bradley, James, 2015/0102

Conan, Harry, 2015/0101

Connolly, Adrian, 2015/0071

Connolly, Declan, 2015/0070

Coogan, Brendan, 2015/0093

Dermody, Thomas, 2015/0005

Fitzgerald, Daire, 2015/0097

Gaborova, Andrea 2015/0098

Hanley, Andrew, 2015/0096

Hayes, Noel, 2015/0092

Hochstetler, Wendell, 2015/0008

Keegan, Cathal, 2015/0095

Kelly, Paul, 2015/0074

Nunn, Sam, 2015/0038

O’Neill, John, 2015/0104

O’Riain, Séamus, 2015/0034

Redmond, Noel, 2015/0031

Ryan, Michael, 2015/0028

Sludds, Tiernan, 2015/0094

Smyth, Gary, 2015/0017

Schwarzenbach, Roger, 2015/0103

Scully, Peter, 2015/0013


Wildlife Crime Conference, Ashbourne, Co. Meath, 12th & 13th September 2015

Wildlife Crime
Wildlife Rehabilitation Ireland is hosting the second all-Ireland Wildlife Crime Conference on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th September 2015 in Pillo Hotel, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.

More than 150 delegates are expected each day and the speakers will include NPWS, An Garda Síochána, PSNI, Department of Agriculture, BWI, Wild Deer Association of Ireland, RSPB, Golden Eagle Trust, NARGC, Scottish Badgers, CRRU, Forensic Science Laboratory, Butterfly Conservation Ireland, ISPCA and a Veterinary pathologist.

The conference programme, registration and payment details can be found at



Deer Hunter

To purchase the Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual go to the Online Applications section of the Deer Alliance website and follow the links to Order Form and Payment Form.

Alternatively print off a hard-copy Order Form from the website and forward with payment €35.00 to Deer Alliance, PO Box 1, Borris, Co. Offaly.




The next scheduled HCAP MCQ will take place in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny on Saturday 11th July 2015.

This will be followed by a Range Test at the Midland Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on Saturday 8th August 2015.

These dates will complete the round of MCQs and Range Tests for 2015. There will be no further opportunity to participate in the Deer Alliance Hunter Competence Assessment Programme in 2015. HCAP Certification is required for all persons seeking to hunt wild deer on Coillte forest property, as licencee or as a nominated stalker under permit.





The following Candidates (74 in number) are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of the Range Test stage of the HCAP process on 30th May 2015. Their details will now be added to the HCAP Register held by the Deer Alliance, Coillte Teoranta and National Parks & Wildlife Service. Congratulations to all successful Candidates.

Date of Certification: 30th May 2015

Blanchfield, Mick, 2015/0001
Bochnak, Marcin, 2015/0049
Boyd, John, 2015/0059
Bradley, Andrew, 2015/0078
Bramley, Paul, 2015/0076
Brennan, Sean, 2015/0035
Bromwich, Kieron, 2015/0030
Byrne, Harry, 2015/0066
Byron, Tristan, 2015/0061
Byron, Michael, 2015/0062
Cadogan, Brendan, 2015/0064
Carr, Peter J., 2015/0060
Clarke, Stewart, 2015/0082
Coffey, J. J., 2015/0002
Conaty, David, 2015/0029
Corrigan, Malachy, 2015/0023
Cullen, Andrew, 2015/0003
Culleton, Christopher, 2015/0027
Cummins, Eoin, 2015/0004
Curran, Thomas James, 2015/0041
Creane, Jodie, 2015/0033
Cronin, Emmet, 2015/0080
Duffy, Adrian, 2015/0075
Dunne, Jason, 2015/0089
Fedigan, Patrick, 2015/0006
Finnegan, Kieron, 2015/0024
Fitzgerald, Myles, 2015/0067
Fennessy, Padraic, 2015/0072
Fennessy, Patrick, 2015/0073
Flynn, Conor, 2015/0046
Foot, Gary, 2015/0036
Gillen, Declan, 2015/0056
Gormley, Alan, 2015/0057
Gormley, Darren, 2015/0058
Griffin, Mick, 2015/0044
Griffin, Shane, 2015/0045
Hanley, Joseph, 2015/0007
Haughey, Gavin, 2012/0003
Hayes, Tony, 2015/0077
Healy, John, 2015/0053
Herbert, John, 2015/0048
Hickey, Colm, 2015/0069
Kealy, David, 2015/0010
Kelly, Sean, 2015/0068
Kutkiewicz, Adam, 2015/0011
Lally, Dean, 2015/0025
Lally, Ross, 2015/0026
Mahood, Jason, 2015/0042
McCarey, Hugh, 2015/0037
McEntee, Peter, 2015/0022
McEvoy, Joe, 2015/0085
McKenna, Adrian, 2015/0079
Moore, Kevin, 2014/0015
Moran, Robert, 2015/0083
Murphy, Patrick, 2015/0063
Myers, William, 2015/0084
Nolan, David, 2015/0086
O’Neill, Jude, 2015/0043
O’Toole, John, 2015/0087
Peace, Christian Graham, 2015/0050
Peace, Richard, 2015/0047
Porter, Paul, 2015/0021
Rafferty, Sean, 2015/0015
Randall, George, 2007/0093
Reid, David, 2015/0052
Ryan, Martin, 2015/0040
Scanlon, James, 2015/0016
Sewell, Kenneth, 2015/0032
Tobin, Christopher, 2015/0039
Turley, Stephen, 2015/0088
Walshe, Donal, 2015/0065
Ward Jnr., James, 2015/0019
Ward Snr., Jim, 2015/0020
Yorke, Andrew, 2007/0065




Deer enthusiasts throughout Ireland, including HCAP-Certified hunters, will be aware of current controversy about the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in wild deer, arising especially from field research carried out by the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine in the North County Wicklow area (Calary, Co. Wicklow). Constituent bodies of the Deer Alliance, including the Irish Deer Society, Wild Deer Association of Ireland and Wicklow Deer Group are concerned to see over-reaction to research findings, including wildly inaccurate media reporting, based on limited and specific circumstances of geography, with findings being extrapolated nationally by the media and vested interests even before the research has been fully completed and analysed. Deer interests are especially concerned to avoid demonization of wild deer based on faulty interpretation of research These bodies look to the recently-established Irish Deer Management Forum for rational discussion, analysis and direction, directly or through their representatives on the Forum and reserve their position pending outcome of that process, as does the Deer Alliance.

That said, it is well established that wild deer can and do contract bTB, and can and do transmit it to cattle (from which they arguably contract it in the first place), as can other mammals and wildlife, including badgers, which have been identified as showing a very significantly higher prevalence and incidence of bTB, than either deer or cattle. For this reason, it behoves hunters to be aware of the problem and to learn how to recognise the disease, and when they encounter it in deer dead or alive, bring it to the attention of the authorities. The disease should be looked for in the retropharyngeal lymph nodes, the mediastinal lymph nodes, the lung tissue, the liver tissue and in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Hunters need to know exactly where to look – further information including information on how to locate and examine likely signs of the disease, is contained in the Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual but can also be easily researched on the internet and elsewhere. Bovine tuberculosis is a notifiable disease and it must by law be notified to the nearest District Veterinary Office of the Department of Agriculture as soon as it is identified in deer or any other mammal.

Clinical Signs and Pathology of bTB in deer

1 Performing necropsy on wild deer head.  Pic 1, Performing necropsy on wild deer head.

Bovine tuberculosis is a chronic disease, and small lesions in wild deer often are not readily recognized. Abscesses may not be visible to hunters when field dressing wild deer. Indeed, most infected deer appear healthy. Affected animals may have yellow to tan, pea-sized nodules in the chest cavity or lungs. Lymph nodes of the head and neck can be swollen and necrotic.

2 Bovine TB abscess in submandibular lymph node in wild deer head.   Pic 2, Bovine TB abscess in submandibular lymph node in wild deer head

3 Bovine TB abscess in medial retropharyngeal  lymph node in wild deer head. Pic 3, Bovine TB abscess in medial retropharyngeal  lymph node in wild deer head.

Captive cervids with tuberculosis often appear healthy because infection is localized in one or a few lymph nodes, usually in the head or thorax. Tuberculosis is a chronic, progressive disease that can cause gradual debilitation and is manifest as emaciation, depression, and intolerance to exercise. Because infection often involves the lungs, coughing, nasal discharges, and difficulty breathing can occur in severe cases. In some instances, superficial lymph nodes in the neck will develop large abscesses that may rupture and drain through the skin.

4 Normal wild deer chest cavity  Pic 4, Normal wild deer chest cavity

5 Disseminated bovine tuberculosis lesions seen with chronic infection, throughout lungs of a wild deer.  Pic 5, Disseminated bovine tuberculosis lesions seen with chronic infection, throughout lungs of a wild deer.

6 Disseminated bovine tuberculosis lesions seen with chronic infection, throughout lungs and on ribs of a wild deer   Pic 6, Disseminated bovine tuberculosis lesions seen with chronic infection, throughout lungs and on ribs of a wild deer.

At necropsy, tuberculosis lesions are variable in appearance and size. Subclinically infected animals may have one or a few small necrotic nodules that usually are associated with the lymph nodes of the head and neck or the lungs. More severely infected cervids can have multiple pea-sized nodules or large cheesy or pus-filled masses in the same areas. The classical tubercle, which is firm, white or pale yellow, and gritty when cut, does occur in cervids, but many M. bovis lesions in these animals are filled with pus. In cervids, tuberculosis lesions are most often seen in the lymph nodes of the head and neck or in lung tissue; however, lesions can occur throughout the chest cavity, under the skin of the chest, and in the abdominal cavity as well.

7 Lesions (also called tubercles or abscesses) on the surface of a wild deer lung. The arrow points to one of the pea-sized lesions. Pic 7, Lesions (also called tubercles or abscesses) on the surface of a wild deer lung.

8 Disseminated bovine tuberculosis lesions seen with chronic infection. Pic 8, Disseminated bovine tuberculosis lesions seen with chronic infection.


MNSCI-Location-large  Map_MRC_Large


All HCAP Candidates are required to note the following matters in relation to Range Tests conducted at the Midland National Shooting Grounds (“MRC”), at Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly:

1: Only Candidates who have passed the HCAP MCQ may take the HCAP Range Test.

2: Candidates must use a rifle of calibre legal for hunting deer in Ireland, i.e. minimum legal calibre .22/250.

3: All firearms must be transported in sleeves or cases. The firing bolt should be removed and carried separately. Firing bolts should be inserted only when preparing to shoot. At all times when not actually shooting, the bolt should be removed and a breech flag inserted.

4: All Candidates are required to carry fully adequate Shooting Insurance and must provide evidence of insurance to MRC on the day of any Range Test. Current Countryside Alliance, IFA Countryside or NARGC membership all satisfy the insurance requirement.

5: The law requires that a valid firearms certificate must be carried when using or transporting any firearm. The firearm certificate covers the “use, possession or carriage” of the firearm. MRC require HCAP Candidates to exhibit their firearm certificate before proceeding to the Range Test.

6: All Candidates are required to sign in at the main MRC check-in desk on arrival at the Range, and before proceeding to the Windmill Range on which the HCAP Range Tests take place, and to exhibit evidence of insurance and firearm certificate on request. No insurance, no Range Test; no Firearms Certificate, no Range Test.

7: Sound Moderators are permitted only where MRC Range Officials are satisfied that the Moderator is factory-fitted and that the firearm in question is in proof.

8: Following experimentation over a number of Range Tests, Deer Alliance HCAP has adopted the following procedures in respect of Range Tests:

a) All Candidates will be listed alphabetically (surname first) and allocated to firing details accordingly.
b) Each Firing Detail has up to 16 positions (up to 16 Candidates to each Detail).
c) The first Firing Detail will always kick off at 10 a.m. sharp, with approximately 45 minutes allowed for each Detail.
d) All Candidates are urged to arrive at MRC not later than 9.30 a.m. on the day of any Range Test, to allow time for registration procedures as set out above.
e) Thereafter, HCAP Range Officials will allocate positions on each Detail according to alphabetical order and actual presence on the Range.
f) Deferrals must be notified in writing (email or text message) to the Deer Alliance not less than 3 days before any Range Test. “No-shows”, i.e. non-attendance without notification, may result in loss of entitlement to complete the HCAP Certification programme.
g) The Range Test consists of accurate grouping of three shots in a four-inch circle at a distance of 100 metres, taken in the prone position; followed by accurate placement of six shots in the heart/lung area of a life-size deer target (two shots prone or sitting at 100 metres, two shots sitting or kneeling at sixty metres and two shots standing at 40 metres). Normal stalking aids may be used e.g. slings, bipods/tripods or stalking sticks. Candidates are permitted two attempts at the grouping target followed by one attempt at the deer target or one attempt at the grouping target and two attempts at the deer target.
h) After shooting, each Candidate, pass or fail, is given a slip with his or her name on it and indicating pass or fail, and attempts taken. This slip (pass or fail) must be presented to the HCAP Administrator Liam Nolan before leaving the Range in order to receive the HCAP Certificate and/or to register for any subsequent Range Test.
i) Candidates taking two or more attempts at the overall Range Test on any given day are required to pay a Repeat Fee of €25.00. The Repeat Fee if taking the Range Test for a second or further time on any subsequent Range Test day is €50.00. Repeats on the day of the Range Test are entirely at the discretion of the designated HCAP Range Officials.
j) Safety is paramount at all times and any lapse will be severely penalised. All Candidates are issued with the Deer Alliance “Safe Stalking” safety leaflet and. copies will be available at each Range Test. It is the responsibility of each Candidate to ensure that best practice safety procedures are followed at all times.

Enquiries by email to


Sika Hind Target

Sika hind – the HCAP Range Test Target – broadside heart & lung shot.

Know your aiming point (click to enlarge)

The following Candidates are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test taking place at the Midland Rifle Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on Saturday 30 May 2015. All Candidates are reminded of the “180-day Rule”, which provides that Candidates are required to complete the HCAP process, including their Range Test, within 180 days of sitting their first MCQ. Failure to complete within 180 days without notice and reasonable excuse may require the Candidate in question to start the process again, including re-sitting the MCQ.

Candidates are listed to shoot alphabetically, in Firing Details of 15 shooters at a time. The Range Test will commence at 10 a.m. sharp and Candidates are required to be present at the Range not later than 9.30 a.m. in order to register to shoot and to receive a Safety Briefing. Candidates are required to sign in at the Range, to produce a valid Firearms Certificate in respect of the firearm to be used and to produce evidence of valid insurance cover.

Approximately forty minutes are allocated for each Firing Detail and Candidates can estimate their likely start time on this basis. However it is recommended that all Candidates be present on the Range from 9.30 a.m. as places will open up on each Detail where eligible Candidates fail to appear on time or at all.

Candidates are reminded that zeroing of firearms is not permitted on the day of the Range Test.
A full rundown of procedures followed at HCAP Range Tests together with a location map will appear here separately.


Blanchfield, Mick, 2015/0001
Bochnak, Marcin, 2015/0049
Boyd, John, 2015/0059
Bradley, Andrew, 2015/0078
Bramley, Paul, 2015/0076
Brennan, Sean, 2015/0035
Bromwich, Kieron, 2015/0030
Byrne, Harry, 2015/0066
Byron, Tristan, 2015/0061
Byron, Michael, 2015/0062
Cadogan, Brendan, 2015/0064
Carr, Peter J., 2015/0060
Clarke, Stewart, 2015/0082
Coffey, J. J., 2015/0002
Conaty, David, 2015/0029
Connolly, Adrian, 2015/0071
Connolly, Declan, 2015/0070
Corrigan, Malachy, 2015/0023
Cullen, Andrew, 2015/0003
Culleton, Christopher, 2015/0027
Cummins, Eoin, 2015/0004
Curran, Thomas James, 2015/0041
Creane, Jodie, 2015/0033
Cronin, Emmet, 2015/0080
Dermody, Thomas, 2015/0005
Duffy, Adrian, 2015/0075
Dunne, Jason, 2015/0089
Fedigan, Patrick, 2015/0006
Finnegan, Kieron, 2015/0024
Fitzgerald, Myles, 2015/0067
Fennessy, Padraic, 2015/0072
Fennessy, Patrick, 2015/0073
Flynn, Conor, 2015/0046
Foot, Gary, 2015/0036
Gillen, Declan, 2015/0056
Gormley, Alan, 2015/0057
Gormley, Darren, 2015/0058
Griffin, Mick, 2015/0044
Griffin, Shane, 2015/0045
Hanley, Joseph, 2015/0007
Haughey, Gavin, 2012/0003
Hayes, Tony, 2015/0077
Healy, John, 2015/0053
Herbert, John, 2015/0048
Hickey, Colm, 2015/0069
Hochstetler, Wendell, 2015/0008
Kealy, David, 2015/0010
Kelly, Sean, 2015/0068
Kelly, Paul, 2015/0074
Kutkiewicz, Adam, 2015/0011
Lally, Dean, 2015/0025
Lally, Ross, 2015/0026
Mahood, Jason, 2015/0042
McCarey, Hugh, 2015/0037
McEntee, Peter, 2015/0022
McEvoy, Joe, 2015/0085
McDonnell, Gavin, 2015/0012
McKenna, Adrian, 2015/0079
Moore, Kevin, 2014/0015
Moran, Robert, 2015/0083
Murphy, Patrick, 2015/0063
Myers, William, 2015/0084
Nolan, David, 2015/0086
Nunn, Sam, 2015/0038
O’Neill, Jude, 2015/0043
O’Riain, Séamus, 2015/0034
O’Toole, John, 2015/0087
Peace, Christian Graham, 2015/0050
Peace, Richard, 2015/0047
Porter, Paul, 2015/0021
Rafferty, Sean, 2015/0015
Redmond, Noel, 2015/0031
Reid, David, 2015/0052
Ryan, Michael, 2015/0028
Ryan, Martin, 2015/0040
Scanlon, James, 2015/0016
Sewell, Kenneth, 2015/0032
Sikula, Martin, 2015/0081
Tobin, Christopher, 2015/0039
Turley, Stephen, 2015/0088
Walshe, Donal, 2015/0065
Ward Jnr., James, 2015/0019
Ward Snr., Jim, 2015/0020


Ministers Hayes and Humphreys Publish Deer Management Report and Launch Irish Deer Management Forum

1452451_645334142155897_1169216178_nRed deer family group. Click to enlarge.

Tom Hayes T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Heather Humphreys T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht today (4 March 2015) published the report Deer Management in Ireland – A Framework for Action and also announced the membership of theDeer Management Forum.

Minister Hayes commented:

“The Report lists a range of actions to address the whole issue of deer management across the country.  I am pleased to say that the series of stakeholder consultation exercises led to a large degree of consensus in identifying some of the key actions.”   

Speaking today Minister Humphreys said:

“I would like to thank all of the stakeholders involved for the work involved in producing this final report. The production of the report was a significant challenge in attempting to balance the demands of agriculture, forestry and conservation. The development of management strategies should recognise the importance of conserving wild deer species as part of Ireland’s rich natural heritage and biodiversity, while also recognising the needs of the agricultural sector. I am happy to see that this principle is acknowledged in the report.”  

The Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and Coillte, the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, together with relevant stakeholders, have been working on policy recommendations relating to deer conservation and management.

The report recommends a series of actions on deer management and conservation in a number of areas including reviewing regulatory and administrative frameworks, land uses and economic interests, information, research, monitoring and economic opportunities. Other actions include the protection of native red deer, reducing the negative impacts of non-native deer species and enhancing skills and best practice.

Both Ministers have agreed to the establishment of the Irish Deer Management Forum to implement the various actions listed in the Report. The Forum itself comprises representatives from the main stakeholder areas such as landowners, forestry, hunting and conservation organisations as well as representatives from both Departments. The Ministers have appointed the members to the Forum and have also appointed Ms. Judith Annett as Chairperson of the Forum.

Arrangements are now being made to hold the first meeting of the Irish Deer Management Forum.

Membership of the Irish Deer Management Forum is made up as follows:

Name Organisation Sectoral Interest
Judith Annett Countryside Consultant Chair
Chris Fox Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) Farming
Pat Hennessy Irish Farmers Association (IFA) Farming
Tom Short Irish Farmers Association (IFA) Farming
Sean Doris National Association of Regional Game Councils (NARGC) Hunting
Damian Hannigan Wild Deer Association of Ireland Hunting
John Fenton Association of Game Shoot Operators (AGSO) Hunting
Paddy Purser Pro Silva Ireland/SIF/AIFC Forestry
Barry Coad Coillte Forestry
Sean Eustace Wicklow Forest Owners Group Ministerial Nomination
Liam Nolan Deer Alliance Training
Jim Walsh Individual Research
Declan Little Woodlands of Ireland Conservation
Declan O’Neill Wicklow Deer Management Partnership Deer Management Group
Seamus Dunne Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Government Department
James O’Keeffe Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Government Department
John O’Neill Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Government Department
Wesley Atkinson Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Government Department
Tim Burkitt Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Government Department
Gerry Leckey Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Government Department


The document, “Deer Management in Ireland – A Framework for Action” can be accessed here:




HCAP Candidates are reminded that Deer Alliance do not individually acknowledge applications received for participation in HCAP MCQs. Lists of eligible Candidates are published in advance of each scheduled MCQ. Candidates who are unable to attend any given MCQ are automatically carried forward to each subsequent MCQ. Applications hold good for up to 180 days from date of receipt. Candidates must complete the process, including Range Test, within 180 days of first application.

Applications for the HCAP MCQ to be held on Saturday 21st March 2015 will close on Friday 13th March 2015. Updates will be posted here, as necessary.