The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Carlow, on Saturday 2nd March 2024 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly R35 NC58 on Saturday 9th March 2024. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately.

Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at this MCQ on 2nd March 2024 will be carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ on Saturday 11th May 2024, except where they have missed two or more MCQs without notice, in which case they will now de-listed as eligible and must re-enter the HCAP process as Repeat Candidates if they wish to complete their HCAP Certification


2024/0009, 92%, Pass
2024/0042, 90%, Pass
2024/0016, 94%, Pass
2024/0010, 100%, Pass
2024.0006, 88%, Pass
2024/0027, 92%, Pass
2024/0007, 100%, Pass
2024/0013, 90%, Pass
2024/0024, 88%, Pass
2024/0025, 92%, Pass
2024/0026, 94%, Pass
2024/0043, 92%, Pass
2024/0044, 92%, Pass
2024/0040, 90%, Pass
2024/0031, 96%, Pass
2024/0032, 94%, Pass
2024/0036, 98%, Pass
2024/0033, 96%, Pass
2024/0039, 94%, Pass
2024/0002, 88%, Pass
2024/0003, 94%, Pass
2024/0038, 98%, Pass
2024/0037, 100%, Pass
2024/0004, 98%, Pass
2024/0005, 92%, Pass
2024/0034, 92%, Pass
2024/0035, 96%, Pass
2024/0017, 96%, Pass
2024/0029, 96%, Pass
2024/0030, 94%, Pass
2024/0023, 98%, Pass



Thursday 29th February 2024: The Irish Deer Commission have issued the following statement concerning the announcement of changes to the Open Season for hunting of wild deer:

Changes to the Open Deer Seasons

As expected, we received notification of the changes to the Open Deer Seasons today to take immediate effect for the 2023/24 Open Deer Season.

The changes are as follows:

· The 2023/24 open season for female deer and antlerless deer will finish on March 31st, 2024, with the 2024/25 open season beginning on November 1st, 2024, and ending on March 31st, 2025.

· The 2023/24 open season for male deer will finish on April 30th, 2024, with the 2024/25 open season beginning on August 1st, 2024, and ending on April 30th, 2025.

· There will be no open season for red deer in County Kerry due to conservation concerns.

These changes will be welcome by some and cause considerable concern for others. To assist members and hunters we would like to offer guidance and understanding of how these changes came about.

Why are the open deer seasons changing?

While deer need to be managed with record numbers of deer culled annually by an ever-expanding number of licensed deer hunters to reduce negative impacts on farming, forestry, and the wider ecosystem, it is not clear what the rationale is for the changes to the open seasons, as there is no scientific evidence to support such a change or requirement for additional culling at a national level. While claims of expanding deer populations have been made, there is no data on deer densities in any county or area of Ireland.

It is likely the changes to the seasons have come about because of sector lobbying and political pressure through the Irish Deer Management Strategy Group, chaired by dairy farmer Teddy Cashman with Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine influence. While the stakeholder engagement of the Irish Deer Management Strategy group was welcome, the recommendations made by the group had no scientific basis, apparently informed solely by sector voting.

Consequences and considerations for changes to the open season for male deer.

The current open season for male deer is a four-month season and is now set to change to a nine-month season. Such a long season has the potential to cause animal welfare issues due to consistent hunting pressure, and male deer in poor condition post rut.

Best practice deer management in the reduction of deer densities require a focus on reducing the female population, as culling pregnant females is also culling future offspring. With such a long male season it is likely less females will be culled resulting in an increase in deer numbers, as we have seen in the UK and Northern Ireland when similar changes were made to their open seasons.

Most hunters have a limited ability to store venison or supply family and friends, as do game buyers with all but one game buyer currently accepting carcase in Ireland due to oversupply. Larger male deer over a much longer season will quickly fill freezers long before the female season begins three months later resulting in reduced demand for female deer.

Deer are a highly adaptable species, and quickly spread as result of hunting pressure, or become nocturnal making them more difficult to manage in dense commercial forestry.

Consequences and considerations for changes to the open season for female deer.

As mentioned, reducing the female population is the most effective method of reducing the overall deer population, and while the additional four-week extension to the female season will result in more female deer being culled, the overall impact will be minimum, for two main reasons, firstly the significant extension to the male season will mean less female deer are culled, and secondly while female deer are pregnant from September/ October and therefore always pregnant during the current open season for female deer starting on November 1st, many hunters dislike removing fully formed foetuses in January and February not to mention in March within two months of the birthing season.

Potential impacts for traditional deer stalking.

Many hunters and families will have enjoyed the tradition and social occasion of the opening day of the new deer season on September 1st, now the opening day is during the hot summer, and peak family holiday season, with a mere three-month season break from what can be physical and exhausting season, with an obvious knock on for family life.

The changes announced today, are only the first of many, with Irish Deer Management Strategy Group chairman Teddy Cashman recently calling for the contracting out of deer management to a small number of contactors, again without any scientific evidence or other rationale. Such a move would potentially disenfranchise thousands of hunters from their traditional hunting areas, and from the excellent work they are already doing.

Sporting or unsporting.

There will be many strong and polarised views on the changes announced today, the lack of rationale or scientific evidence, the potential consequences for the future of deer stalking in Ireland. Some will believe shooting heavily pregnant female deer, or shooting male deer outside the previous open season, or monetising deer, is unsporting, while many hunters are likely to observe the previous seasons, it is important we all respect each other’s views as fellow hunters.

Further comments or views.

If you have any comments or views on the changes announced today, you can contact the following individuals.

Minister Malcolm Noonan (Minister with responsibility for deer) malcolm.noonan@oireachtas.ie

Minister Charlie McConalogue (Minister for Agriculture) charlie.mcconalogue@oireachtas.ie

Claire Crowley (NPWS/Teddy Cashman spokesperson) claire.Crowley@npws.gov.ie Niall.Feery@npws.gov.ie

(statement ends)


Watch Open Season 2 | Netflix





Changes to the Open Season for hunting of wild deer were announced on 29th February 2024.

Effective immediately, the new Open Season for hunting of wild deer under licence will be as follows:

Male deer (all species): 1st August to the following 31st April
Female & antler-less deer (all species: 1st November to the following 31st March.
Muntjac deer: 1st September to the following 31st August
Red deer in Co. Kerry: Fully protected at all times (no Open Season).

The Open Season 2023-2024 which otherwise would otherwise have ended on 28th February 2023 has been re-opened for male deer and will now end on 31st April 2024. The Open Season for Female and antler-less deer which otherwise have ended on 28th February 2024 will now end on 31st March 2024.

The 2024-2025 Open Season will open on 1st August 2024.

For Licensees and Permit Holders for hunting on Coillte Forest Property the necessary amendments to HAMS are presently being put into effect.

To read the Ministerial announcement on these changes, click HERE

To access Statutory Instrument No. 66 of 2024 Wildlife (Wild Mammals) (Open Seasons) (Amendment) Order 2024 giving effect these changes, click HERE



Sound moderators - what to choose and how to care for them | ShootingUK


Section 4 (2) (d) of Statutory Instrument 21 of 2008, Firearms (Restricted Firearms and Ammunition) Order, 2008 provides that silencers capable of being used only with long rifled rim-fire firearms are defined as Restricted Firearms, subject to additional licensing criteria. The definition includes “any devices fitted or capable of being fitted to the firearms for the purpose of moderating or reducing the sound made on their discharge”. For deer hunters and others in Ireland, this definition is widely regarded as illogical and unnecessary, while militating against user hearing protection and efficient control and management of deer in certain circumstances.

Across the water, where there are currently 198,602 sound moderators covered by firearms certificates, the UK Home Office has launched a consultation on proposed changes to firearms licensing controls for sound moderators. Applicable to England, Scotland, and Wales, this consultation seeks input on using a legislative reform order under the UK.’s Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 to exclude sound moderators from firearms licensing.

The proposed amendment to the (UK) Firearms Act 1968, specifically in Section 57(1)(d) of that Act, aims to remove the reference to sound moderators. This change reflects the belief, seemingly now adopted by the UK Home Office, that sound moderators, though firearm accessories, do not themselves pose any inherent dangers, and their exclusion from licensing controls will not compromise public safety whilst saving time, work, and cost for all those involved.

To observers here in Ireland, this is an eminently sensible move, and we will follow the results of this consultation process carefully.

The full background to the Consultation process can be accessed HERE.



The following is the final list of candidates eligible to participate in the HCAP Training Workshop & MCQ taking place on Saturday 2nd March 2024 (10.00am to 5.00pm). The venue for the Workshop & MCQ is the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny Road, Carlow R93 N207.

This list includes No-Shows from previous MCQs but who remain eligible, If such candidates do not participate on 2nd March 2024, these candidates will be de-listed as eligible and if they wish to complete their HCAP certification, they will have to re-enter as Repeat Candidates.

ABDELMONIEM, Ayman, 2023/0096
ATKINSON, Liam, 2024/0033
BEKIC, Danijel, 2024/0039
BROPHY, Tommy, 2024/0002
BYRNE, Jonathan, 2024/0003
CANNING, Adam, 2024/0038
CANNING, Jack, 2024/0037
COMMANE, Brendan, 2024/0004
CORNELIA, Brian, 2024/0005
CULLEN, Tom, 2024/0018
CUNNINGHAM, Alan, 2024.0006
CURLEY, Robert, 2024/0027
CURTIN, Eoin, 2024/0007
FLYNN, Declan, 2022/0113
GARIB, Sayf, 2024/0028
GLYNN, Alan, 2024/0014
HALLIGAN, Bobby, 2024/0013
HANRAHAN, Gerard , 2024/0024
KANE, Patrick, 2023/0091
KAAR, Eoin, 2024/0025
KEATING, Michael, 2024/0026
KELLY, Robert, 2023/0087
KENNEDY, Stephen, 2024/0043
KIRWAN, Edward, 2024/0019
KIRWAN (Jnr.), Edward, 2024/0020
KIRWAN, Jason, 2024/0021
KIRWAN, John, 2024/0022
MANAHAN, Jordan Guiry, 2024/000
MARUKASHVILI, Mamuka, 2024/0040
McCABE, John (Jnr.), 2024/0031
McGIFF, Mark, 2024/0032
McINERNEY, Fergal, 2024/0036
McMORROW, Oonagh, 2024/0012
MULLEN, Alan, 2024/0034
NEWTOWN, Thorfinn, 2024/0035
O’BRIEN, Jason, 2022/0098
O’GRADY, Gary, 2024/0017
O’LEARY, Anthony, 2023/0049
O’NEILL, Michael, 2024/0041
O’SULLIVAN, Bob, 2024/0029
O’SULLIVAN, Leon, 2024/0030
PHIPPS, Richard, 2024/0023
RONAN, Darren, 2024/0015
SAVAGE, Sean, 2023/0056
SUCIU, Razvan, 2024/0009
SUSKA, Lukasz, 2024/0042
TICE, George, 2023/0130
TOOMEY, Kevin, 2024/0016
UDDIN, Imran, 2024/0010
WHELAN, Chris, 2024/0011

(Applications for the Workshop & MCQ on 2nd March are now closed)


The next event in the 2024 Series of Deer Alliance HCAP Training Workshops & MCQs will be held on Saturday 11th May 2024, followed on Saturday 18th May 2024 by the supporting Range Test for successful MCQ Candidates. The venue for the Workshop & MCQ is the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny Road, Carlow, Co. Carlow, R93 N207. The Range Test will be held at the Midland Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly R35 NC58.


Application can be made online through the Online Applications section of the website or in hard copy by post. Online payment is through PayPal using any valid debit or credit card (applicants do not need their own PayPal account) or by post with cheque or postal order. Hard copy application forms can be downloaded from the website.

The cost of HCAP remains unchanged at €165.00, and €35.00 for the Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual (also purchased through the Online Applications section).


Members of IFA Countryside can avail of an inclusive special discount price of €120.00 (covering HCAP Application, Stalker Training Manual, Workshop, MCQ, Range Test and certification), generously subsidised by IFA Farm Business Skillnet. New and intending members of IFA Countryside should call 0818 924 982 or 01 426 0368 for membership information, which includes insurance cover for all hunting and other countryside activities, compliant with requirements for the HCAP Range Test.


In addition, thanks to a special sponsorship deal offered exclusively to Deer Alliance HCAP, the first 100 HCAP Candidates in 2024 will receive a complimentary copy of Sika the Wild Deer (retail value €25.00), the story of the life of a sika stag in Wicklow from conception to maturity, seen through the eyes of a stalker.


HCAP Candidates who do not have access to their own deer-legal rifle have two options open to them. If they have a friend who has a deer-legal rifle and is prepared to let the candidate use that rifle for the Range Test, that is permitted, provided that the friend holds a valid Firearm Certificate for the firearm in question, holds valid shooting insurance and is present with the Candidate on the Range at all times. Alternatively, the candidate can avail of a Club Rifle in calibre .243, available from the Midland Range. Booking must be made at least two weeks in advance and is subject to Garda vetting. The current cost of rifle hire is €60.00, to include ammunition sufficient for the standard Range Test. Candidates with no previous experience of full-bore rifle shooting may be required to undertake basic tuition and competency testing on a one-to-one basis at the Midland Range (to include the Range Test Course of Fire but not as part of the Range Test), the current cost of which is €150.00 (one person, one day tuition and test preparation). Hire of a Club rifle and/or arrangements for tuition and test preparation, including all costs, are entirely a matter between Midland Range management and personnel, are outside the ordinary HCAP process and Deer Alliance HCAP has no responsibility or obligation in this regard.


Certification has been mandatory for all first-time applicants for a Deer Hunting Licence since 2022 and has been obligatory for all persons hunting on Coillte forest property since 2005. In addition, the recent Irish Deer Management Strategy Group report published in December 2023, recommends phased certification for all hunters over the next 3 to 5 years (including licensed hunters not hunting on Coillte forest property and/or holding a Deer Hunting Licence prior to 2022).


HCAP is the only training programme in Ireland developed in partnership with Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service, An Garda Síochána and all principal deer organisations. HCAP completed its twentieth year of operation in 2023 and to date approximately 3700 licensed deer hunters have participated in the programme. Enquiries by email to deeralliance@gmail.com or by ‘phone to 086 1927 845 (office hours).

Sika the Wild Deer. The first 100 HCAP Candidates in 2024 will receive a  complimentary copy, thanks to sponsorship received.




National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) have announced that applications for Deer Hunting Licences (DHLs) will shortly go entirely online through a new Licence Customer Portal.

This portal will become a one-stop-shop for all licences issued by NPWS in due course. As a first step, hunters applying for a Deer Hunting Licence for the 2024/2025 season will do so online through the new Customer Portal.

NPWS are carrying out some initial testing of the system at present, and further information will be available once this testing of the new system is complete.

Stakeholders including Deer Alliance HCAP will have an opportunity for input through an online demonstration that will be rolled out in advance of making the system live, so that users will be able to familiarise themselves with the new system and also ask questions and/or provide feedback.


  • Fully online, fast, efficient licencing process with no need to fill out and post documents.
  • Each hunter will have their own login and password.
  • Applicants will be able to track the status of their application through the portal.
  • Once approved, applicants will receive their licence instantly and will be able to view their licence(s) online and print them, if they so wish.
  • The requirement of the minimum of 100 acres landowner permission has been removed.
  • Applicants will no longer have to provide written landowner permission.
  • Hunting returns can be completed online throughout the year.
  • Commercial shoot operators will be able to see the status of applications from their clients.


The application process for deer hunting licences will be online only. Within the portal applicants will be required to:

  • include a photograph with their application to ensure the individual issued the licence can be identified.
  • sign a declaration verifying that they will only hunt on land where they have permission, as set out in Section 28 of the Wildlife Act.
  • upload a firearm certificate and/or proof of firearm purchase.
  • sign a declaration that they are compliant with the minimum firearm requirements when hunting deer, as set out in Statutory Instrument No. 239/1977 (Wildlife Act, 1976 (Firearms and Ammunition) Regulations, 1977.
  • Deer hunting licences will issue via email/through the portal only, they will not be posted.



The first event in the 2024 Series of Deer Alliance HCAP Training Workshops & MCQs will be held on Saturday 2nd March 2024, followed on Saturday 9th March 2024 by the supporting Range Test for successful MCQ Candidates.


Application can be made online through the Online Applications section of the website or in hard copy by post. Online payment is through PayPal using any valid debit or credit card (applicants do not need their own PayPal account) or by post with cheque or postal order. Hard copy application forms can be downloaded from the website.

The cost of HCAP remains unchanged at €165.00, and €35.00 for the Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual (also purchased through the Online Applications section).


Members of IFA Countryside can avail of an inclusive special discount price of €120.00 (covering HCAP Application, Stalker Training Manual, Workshop, MCQ, Range Test and certification), generously subsidised by IFA Farm Business Skillnet. New and intending members of IFA Countryside should call 0818 924 982 or 01 426 0368 for membership information, which includes insurance cover for all hunting and other countryside activities, compliant with requirements for the HCAP Range Test.


In addition, thanks to a special sponsorship deal offered exclusively to Deer Alliance HCAP, the first 100 HCAP Candidates in 2024 will receive a complimentary copy of Sika the Wild Deer (retail value €25.00), the story of the life of a sika stag in Wicklow from conception to maturity, seen through the eyes of a stalker.


HCAP Candidates who do not have access to their own deer-legal rifle have two options open to them. If they have a friend who has a deer-legal rifle and is prepared to let the candidate use that rifle for the Range Test, that is permitted, provided that the friend holds a valid Firearm Certificate for the firearm in question, holds valid shooting insurance and is present with the Candidate on the Range at all times. Alternatively, the candidate can avail of a Club Rifle in calibre .243, available from the Midland Range. Booking must be made at least two weeks in advance and is subject to Garda vetting. The current cost of rifle hire is €60.00, to include ammunition sufficient for the standard Range Test. Candidates with no previous experience of full-bore rifle shooting may be required to undertake basic tuition and competency testing on a one-to-one basis at the Midland Range (to include the Range Test Course of Fire but not as part of the Range Test), the current cost of which is €150.00 (one person, one day tuition and test preparation). Hire of a Club rifle and/or arrangements for tuition and test preparation, including all costs, are entirely a matter between Midland Range management and personnel, are outside the ordinary HCAP process and Deer Alliance HCAP has no responsibility or obligation in this regard.


Certification has been mandatory for all first-time applicants for a Deer Hunting Licence since 2022 and has been obligatory for all persons hunting on Coillte forest property since 2005. In addition, the recent Irish Deer Management Strategy Group report published in December 2023, recommends phased certification for all hunters over the next 3 to 5 years (including licensed hunters not hunting on Coillte forest property and/or holding a Deer Hunting Licence prior to 2022).


HCAP is the only training programme in Ireland developed in partnership with Coillte Teoranta, National Parks & Wildlife Service, An Garda Síochána and all principal deer organisations. HCAP completed its twentieth year of operation in 2023 and to date approximately 3700 licensed deer hunters have participated in the programme. Enquiries by email to deeralliance@gmail.com or by ‘phone to 086 1927 845 (office hours).

Sika the Wild Deer. The first 100 HCAP Candidates in 2024 will receive a  complimentary copy, thanks to sponsorship received.


Events 2024 - IRDG

Deer Alliance HCAP will hold Training Workshops & Assessments on the following dates in 2024:

Saturday 2nd March 2024 (Training Workshop and MCQ) and Saturday 9th March 2024 (Range Test)

Saturday 11th May 2024 (Training Workshop and MCQ and Saturday 18th May 2024 (Range Test)

Saturday 29th June 2024 (Training Workshop and MCQ) and Saturday 6th July 2024 (Range Test)

Training Workshops and MCQs will be held at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel Kilkenny Road, Carlow, Co. Carlow and Range Tests are held at the Midland Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly.

Full details will be posted here shortly. Applications can be made online at any time.











The Deer Management Strategy Group, established in 2022 to explore and initiate actions in relation to deer management policy across Ireland, published its “Final Report into Developing a Sustainable Deer Management Strategy for Ireland” on 7th December 2023.

In their 27-page Report, the Group has identified a series of short- and medium-term actions for implementation over time. These are:

Short Term (9 months)

1. Appointment of a program manager to set up deer management units with local coordinators
2. Program manager, in conjunction with Deer Management Strategy Group, to develop an
Implementation Plan
3. Set up Deer Management Units, in critical/hot spot areas initially, following on from
localised stakeholder meetings
4. Revise the deer Open Seasons Order to align with the current dates in Northern Ireland
in the first instance*
5. Investigate the feasibility of establishing a Deer Management Agency and research the
best model for such an Agency set-up
6. Investigate support incentives necessary for national deer management program
(including for Venison market)
7. Review of changes to Statutory Instruments and current legislation
8. Revision of the process of Section 42 licence applications under the Wildlife Acts to
ensure consistency of approach

Medium Term

1. Review the results of feasibility of setting up a Deer Management Agency
2. Secure changes to legislation following review of Wildlife Acts and other deer related
3. Monitoring of the impacts (on biodiversity, forestry, farming & road safety) arising from
Implementation Plan
4. Review Open Seasons Order again as required on foot of 3 above.
5. Engage with state bodies to develop a structured deer management policy on State
6. Phased certification for all hunters over next 3-5 years
7. The integration of a deer management module into agricultural, forestry, land
management & environmental training courses
8. Review of forest design and scheme specifications in relation to deer management

*The current Open Season for male deer in Northern Ireland is from 1st August to 30 April, The current Open Season for female deer (all species) is from 1st November to 31st March. Seasons for red and sika includes each separate species and hybrids. Thee is no Close Season for Muntjac in Northern Ireland.

The Report has met with mixed reaction across the range of stakeholders, with both positive and negative aspects having been identified.

The full Report can be accessed HERE.