The application process for the NPWS Deer Hunting Licence will shortly go fully online. The system was recently demonstrated to stakeholders and will undoubtedly lead to more efficient and time-efficient processing  of applications. Applicants will be required to register and maintain an account on the NPWS Heritage Licensing Portal. When making an application, applicants are required to upload a passport-type photograph and copies of their Firearms Certificate and HCAP certificate (mandatory for first-time applicants for the DHL and optional or holders of recent licences). Written landowner permission will not be required but applicants must fulfill two Declarations relation to land permission and obligations under the Wildlife Act 1976 (as amended). Applicants renewing their DHL must also provide details of last season’s cull.

The system will go live on 4th June 2024 and application for the DHL can be made from that date.

To view the Licensing Portal Demonstration in pdf form, click here: DHL Portal Demo 10.5.2024