For a full list of all candidates eligible for the HCAP Range Test taking place on Saturday 13th May 2017 see earlier posting on this Blog.

No-shows and/or Deferrals from this Range Test will be carried forward to the next scheduled Range Test, which will take place on Saturday 29th July 2017.

No-shows or Deferrals without notice or good reason on the latter date will be required to apply for a Range Test in 2018 as Repeat Candidates and to pay a Range Test Repeat Fee of €50.00.


The following email notification was circulated by Coillte Teoranta today 2nd May 2017:

April 2017

UPDATE: Licences to Hunt Game and Deer 2017.

For administrative reasons, the tender competition previously launched in April had to be suspended. Issues have now been resolved and Coillte again invite tenders for licences to hunt deer and game on designated areas of their forest estate.

Catalogues of available licensed areas together with tender forms and tendering instructions are available for download at www.Coillte.ie . The closing date for receipt of tenders is 5pm, Friday the 26th May 2017. No Tenders will be accepted after this date.

Canvassing will disqualify

All current licence holders are advised to refer to the tender listing in the event that their licence has recently expired and is now offered to tender. No separate notice will be issued in this regard.

(End of notification)


The Coillte Catalogue of available deer licences (Primary Tender Competition 2017) has been re-posted on the Coillte website today 28th April 2017.

The tender closing date of 5th May 2017 remains in place.

The reference to DSC2 in relation to three named forest blocks remains in place but has been expanded as follows:

“In addition to HCAP – applicants for the following licences will require to hold the Deer Management Qualifications –DSC level 2 or similar approved qualification which certifies and individuals practical competence in deer management and firearms safety. The final selection of successful licence holders may be subject to interview.” (stet)

Deer organisations represented on the Deer Alliance Development Committee (HCAP Committee) remain concerned at the unannounced imposition of an additional external qualification which precludes the vast majority of licensed deer hunters and potential Coillte licensees from tendering on the forest blocks in question. It is expected that this matter will be pursued with Coillte Teoranta at the earliest opportunity.


The Range Test for HCAP Candidates having successfully completed MCQs in March and April 2017 will take place on Saturday 13th May 2017 at the Midland National Shooting Ground, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m. sharp. Candidates should be present from 9.30 a.m. in order to sign in and to exhibit their current Firearms Certificate and evidence of insurance. Candidates are listed alphabetically and will shoot in firing details of multiple shooters (minimum twenty shooters in each detail). Procedures to be followed at each Range Test are posted separately.

The following is the list of eligible candidates:

Askins, Luke, 2017/0021
Askins, Martin, 2017/0013
Bak, Grzegorz, 2017/0067
Baker, John, 2017/0017
Baranowski, Piotr, 2017/0072
Barrell, Alan, 2017/0075
Brady, Owen, 2017/0034
Butler, Gavin, 2017/0092
Byrne, Brendan, 2017/0018
Byrne, Kyle, 2017/0019
Carter, Jason, 2017/0046
Caschera, Massimo, 2017/0023
Corcoran, Adrian, 2017/0026
Cornelius, Jan, 2017/0048
Cotter, Mark, 2017/0056
Cvjetkovic, Jovica, 2017/0033
Daly, Enda, 2017/0029
Divito, Ercole, 2017/0003
Dore, Michael, 2017/0042
Dunne, Jonathon, 2017/0051
Dunne, Mark, 2017/0041
Earls, Gary, 2017/0002
Farrell, Conleth, 2017/0086
Filon, Stanislav, 2017/0009
Fitzpatrick, Stephen, 2017/0006
Fleming, Robert, 2017/0084
Fox, Liam, 2017/0010, 92%
Halpin, Damien, 2017/0008
Hynes, Declan, 2017/0027
Iafrate, Antonio, 2017/0044
Jablonski, Adrian, 2017/0060
Jacek, Rafal, 2017/0066
Jaszczak, Pawel, 2017/0065
Kaszluga, Jacek, 2017/0062
Kaszluga, Mateusz, 2017/0058
Kelly, Kenneth, 2017/0039
Kelly, Patrick, 2017/0040
Kirwan, Alan, 2016/0079
Kubien, Rafal, 2017/0068, 100%
Labus, Lazar, 2017/0035
Labus, Miodrag, 2017/0036
Leech, Gary, 2017/0016
Leidig, Robin. 2017/0025
Logan, Paul, 2017/0093
Malaszuk, Grzegorz, 2017/0071
Manning, Maurice, 2017/0078
McCullough, Brian, 2017/0054
McEnroe, Dermot, 2016/0011
McEnroy, Connor, 2017/0037
McLoughlin, Enda, 2017/0032
Meehan, Dermot, 2017/0090
Munteanu, Lilian, 2017/0061
Murphy, Martin, 2017/0085
Neary, Tommy, 2017/0088
O’Connor, William, 2017/0094
O’Donoghue, David, 2017/0007
O’Meara, Paul, 2017/0079
O’Shea, Patrick, 2017/0004
Ogarek, Slawomir, 2017/0049
Poutch, Alan, 2017/0089
Power, Clive, 2017/0043
Pyke, Kenneth, 2017/0015
Raggett, Damien, 2017/0077
Reilly, Sean, 2017/0012
Roche, Brian, 2017/0022
Rooney, Niall, 2017/0050
Rowe, Martin, 2017/0082
Rowe, Willie, 2017/0083
Ryan, Paul 2017/0020
Scally, David, 2017/0028
Schiller, Bjorn, 2011/0072
Shelley, Keith, 2017/0038
Shortt, Trevor, 2017/0031
Slepecki, Andrzej, 2017/0073
Smith, Brendan, 2017/0080
Smyth, Niall, 2017/0087
Spencer-Jones, Luke, 2017/0024
Stanley, Clive, 2017/0014
Tighe, Patrick, 2015/000018
Tooher, Thomas, 2017/0001
Varnas, Elvis, 2017/0095
Wallace, Darren, 2017/0053
Wawrzyniak, Jacek, 2017/0064
Williams, Howard, 2017/0005
Wysoczanski, Grzegorz, 2017/0069
Ziach, Lukasz, 2017/0059
Zwaan, Paul, 2017/0047


Intending HCAP Candidates are advised that the HCAP MCQ taking place on Saturday 24th June 2017 is likely to be the last in the 2017 series of assessments. There is unlikely to be a further assessment in 2017. The number of candidates on hand determines the holding of assessments in any year. To date in 2017 we have processed over 100 new applications. The opportunity for intending new applicants for a Deer Hunting Licence to undertake HCAP before the proposed deadline of 1st January 2018 should be taken now.


The following statement has been circulated on behalf of Coillte Teoranta today 25th April 2017 in relation to the Catalogue of Available Licences to Hunt Wild Deer on Coillte Lands – Primary tender competition – 2017 published last week.

“I am writing to you regarding the above tender competition which was recently posted on the Coillte website. I wish to inform you that this tender competition has been withdrawn for the time being.

It is envisaged that this tender will be issued again in the coming weeks. I will contact you then with confirmation of this.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused”.

{Addressee and sender names redacted}.

We understand that a new mechanism for receipt and evaluation of tenders may be put in place.

Further information will be posted here as it becomes available.



The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on Saturday 22nd April 2017 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 13th May 2017. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately in due course.

2017/0066, 98%, Pass
2017/0065, 80%, Pass
2017/0062, 92%, Pass
2017/0069, 94%, Pass
2017/0059, 100%, Pass
2017/0058, 98%, Pass
2017/0068, 100%, Pass
2017/0071, 94%, Pass
2017/0061, 94%, Pass
2017/0073, 98%, Pass
2017/0064, 80%, Pass
2017/0067, 100%, Pass
2017/0072, 98%, Pass
2017/0060, 92%, Pass

All Candidates passed the MCQ on this occasion.


The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on Saturday 15th April 2017 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 13th May 2017. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately in due course.

2017/0086, 86%, Pass
2017/0084, 94%, Pass
2017/0039, 96%, Pass
2017/0092, 92%, Pass
2017/0023, 92%, Pass
2017/0056, 94%, Pass
2017/0042, 96%, Pass
2017/0051, 88%, Pass
2017/0093, 90%, Pass
2017/0078, 92%, Pass
2017/0054, 92%, Pass
2016/0011, 94%, Pass
2017/0037, 82%, Pass
2017/0090, 96%, Pass
2017/0085, 86%, Pass
2017/0088, 92%, Pass
2017/0082, 96%, Pass
2017/0083, 94%, Pass
2017/0080, 98%, Pass
2017/0087, 90%, Pass
2017/0075, 100%, Pass
2017/0094, 96%, Pass
2017/0079, 98%, Pass
2017/0089, 90%, Pass
2017/0077, 80%, Pass
2017/0095, 80%, Pass

The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were unsuccessful and is required to re-sit the MCQ stage before proceeding to any Range Test. The application fee for Repeat Candidates is €50.00. “Fail” grades may be appealed to the HCAP Assessment Committee, subject to written application accompanied by re-checking fee, €50.00. Where written application for re-checking is received, it is reviewed by the Committee at the next scheduled Committee meeting following receipt of application. Applications for re-checking must be received within 10 (ten) days of publication of results on this blog.

2017/0076, 76%, Fail
2017/0091, 64%, Fail


The following Candidates remain eligible for HCAP following the MCQ held on Saturday 15th April 2017 and will be carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ date, details of which will be posted here when finalised (most likely date Saturday 24th June 2017, to be confirmed):

Candidates with the numerical prefix 2016 applied for HCAP in 2016 but did not sit any MCQ in 2016 or to date in 2017. Failure to participate in any MCQ in 2017 will lead to striking off from list of eligible candidates. Such candidates may re-apply at a later date subject to payment of Repeat Fee €50.00. HCAP Fees are non-refundable.

Allard, John, 2017/0096
Brillant, Philippe, 2017/0057
Brandt, Piotr, 2017/0063
Brophy, Justin, 2016/0076
Brown, Bernard, 2016/0005
Carey, John Paul, 2016/0006
Cunningham, Bryan, 2016/0013
Gillespie, Liam, 2016/0026
Hughes, Timothy, 2017/0055
Lane, Michael, 2017/0081
Prendergast, Denis, 2016/010
Tierney, Mark, 2017/0045


Sika stag in velvet.

Deer Alliance HCAP are in the process of concluding assessments which began on 11th March 2017 and which will conclude on 13th May 2017. Further dates will be considered after the latter date and details will be posted here on the News & Updates section of the Deer Alliance website as soon as they are finalised.

Applications made now will be processed in the normal manner, bearing in mind that the number of applications received will determine the necessity for holding assessments. Intending candidates should make application now to ensure so far as possible that further assessments can take place in June or July 2017.

Confirmation of HCAP Certification is now requested on Deer Hunting Licence Applications regardless of whether hunting is to take place on Coillte forest property or on private land. See previous posting on this subject.