Liam Nolan discusses sika deer in Ireland in conversation with Éanna Ní Lámhna on Mooney Goes Wild, RTE Radio 1, Monday 12th October 2020
To listen click here.
(Interview commences approximately 14 minutes into the podcast)
Liam Nolan discusses sika deer in Ireland in conversation with Éanna Ní Lámhna on Mooney Goes Wild, RTE Radio 1, Monday 12th October 2020
To listen click here.
(Interview commences approximately 14 minutes into the podcast)
On behalf of Deer Alliance HCAP-Certified hunters who are Coillte licensees and permit holders and who have asked for advice in relation to Level 3 Covid 19 travel restrictions now in place and affecting county-to-county travel, Deer Alliance HCAP has proposed to Coillte Teoranta that they issue a letter to each licensee and permit holder confirming their status as providers of an essential service within the meaning of the list of exempt providers published by the Office of the Taoiseach in March 2020.
The text of the proposal sent to Coillte is set out below. A response is awaited.
Dear (Coillte named BAU Administrator/Forest Manager)
As you can imagine, current Level 3 Covid 19 travel restrictions are impacting negatively on some Coillte deer licensees and permit holders, unwilling or unable to visit their forest areas without possible breach of the current travel regulations.
On behalf of those HCAP-Certified licensees and permit holders who have asked for advice on this matter, Deer Alliance HCAP wish to propose to Coillte nationally and locally that they issue a letter to each licence and permit holder confirming that deer management and deer culling on Coillte forest property by authorised persons is a valid exempt essential service as an essential aid in the protection of forestry and other crops, including both Coillte forestry and surrounding farmland. Persons involved directly or indirectly in crop production and related activities are deemed providers of essential services under the terms of the list of essential service providers under public health guidelines published by the Office of the Taoiseach in march 2020.
Such a letter could then be exhibited by licensed hunters travelling beyond permitted boundaries (county to county) if challenged.
Otherwise licensees and permit holders will be severely curtailed in the exercise of their licences and in the achievement of designated culls.
Email confirmation to each licensee or permit holder would suffice.
We trust you will give this proposal early consideration and implementation.
Yours sincerely,
The recent (and ongoing) debacle affecting issue of Deer Hunting Licences (DHLs) for the Season 2020-2021 highlights inherent defects in the system of dealing with applications from qualified applicants.
The current system requires that qualified hunters apply annually for the DHL, valid from date of issue to the following 31st July. The DHL is issued subject to the provisions of sections 9, 25 29 and 33 of the Wildlife Act 1976 (as amended), section 29 being the principle operative section.
The applicant is required to provide evidence of entitlement to hunt deer over a minimum of100 acres of land on which the owner or occupier holds sporting rights. The landowner permission is normally subject to verification by a NPWS Field Officer (Conservation Ranger), a time-consuming exercise if conducted properly. The applicant must give details of the firearm to be used (maker’s name, calibre, bullet weight and identifying number), which need not be licensed to the applicant. The applicant must be aged 16 years or over, full details of name, address and contact details must be provided, and the applicant’s signature must be independently witnessed. There is no fee for the DHL, although provision is made in the Act for possible introduction of a fee.
From 2021, all first-time applicants for the DHL will be required to be HCAP-Certified or equivalent, in accordance with the syllabus for mandatory certification published by NPWS on 13th March 2020. It is also expected that in time, all existing holders of the DHL will be required to be compliant with certification requirements, allowing up to five years for this to be achieved, and with no “grandfather clause”.
In recent years, applicants have been advised to submit their applications “well before 30th June” to be sure of getting the DHL by or before the start of the hunting season on 1st September. This was the case in 2020, regardless of the impact of Covid 19 restrictions and the requirement to submit landowner permissions was dispensed with (presumably for the current season only).
This system has applied from commencement of the Act in 1977 when the number of licensed deer hunters was less than 400 and has continued for the last four decades, when the number of licensed hunters has grown to a number in excess of 6000.
Even without the fiasco surrounding issue of DHLs in 2020, it is well past time for review and reform of the licensing system.
The following reforms are now put forward for adoption with effect from March 2021:
1: The duration of the DHL to be changed from an annual licence to a licence for a three-year duration. This would cut down enormously on the workload associated with assessment and issue of the DHL and would bring the DHL in line with the duration of Firearms Certificates, which are for three-years’ duration from date of issue.
2: All applications should be made online. Citizens can apply for a driving licence online, conduct their banking online, make their annual tax return online, apply for their GovID account online, apply for a supplementary passport online, and apply for a Personal Services Card online. It should be well within the competence of the NPWS to introduce an online system.
3: Landowner permissions should be dispensed with and replaced by evidence of competence to HCAP standard. Landowner permissions have been dispensed with for the current 2020-2021 Season, so the precedent has been established. By way of comparison – when a citizen obtains a driving licence, having undertaken the appropriate training and passing both the theory and practical tests, he or she is not limited to driving on highways but not on secondary roads. A person is either trained and competent (and certified as such) or is not. In the same way, the trained, competent and certified hunter should not need to prove access to 100 acres (out of 17.36 million acres). It is an irrelevancy where the hunter is deemed safe to use a deer-legal firearm (and is in any event assessed as such by the Garda Siochana) and competent in his or her knowledge of deer management practices. It is not suggested that landowner permission is not required for hunters entering private land, such permission remains an absolute necessity, but the necessity for the hunter to renew permissions every year, and each permission having to be validated by NPWS, would be eliminated.
4: It follows that in addition to the requirement for first-time DHL applicants to be certified to HCAP standard from 2021, all others should be certified to the same standard, subject only to an acceptable time-frame for implementation (up to five years as recommended by the Irish Deer Management Forum),
5: A fee of up to €80.00 should be applied to each application for a three-year DHL, in line with the fee of €80.00 applied to the three-year Firearms Certificate. The revenue from the three-year DHL (projected at up to €480000.00 or an annualised €160000) would more than cover the cost of a switch to an online system. The cost saving in dispensing with verification of landowner permissions and physical issue of DHLs (to be downloaded by the applicant after online application and grant) can also be factored in. Ideally, licence fees should be ring-fenced and used for further research into relevant issues surrounding deer.
6: The foregoing reforms should take effect in 2021, requiring early adoption by all relevant decision-makers and implementation by NPWS Wildlife Licensing Unit.
Deer Alliance HCAP has over recent days received numerous call, text and emails from concerned hunters who are awaiting their Deer Hunting Licences (DHLs) for the season 2020-2021, having made application in good time and in accordance with the preferred date of 30th June, to ensure receipt of licences by 1st September. Unfortunately, the Wildlife Licensing Unit (WLU) of National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) are grappling with an ever-increasing number of applications, many of which require validation, while dealing also with limitations attributable to the Covid 19 lockdown from March to July (and ongoing). There is a simple if temporary solution. By extending the validity of licences held for 2019-2020 pending issue of licences for the 2020-2021 season, any question of illegality on the part of hunters who have made application for renewal of their DHL in a timely fashion and in good faith, is removed.
Deer Alliance HCAP has communicated this recommendation to the WLU this week, and has also set out the recommendation to the Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht, Catherine Martin TD and to Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan TD. The text of the communication (email) to Minister Martin and Minister of State Noonan is set out below.
Dear Minister,
We are writing on behalf of a substantial number of licensed deer hunters who are awaiting receipt of Deer Hunting Licences for the Season 2020-2021.
Normally, application for the annual Deer Hunting Licence (DHL) is made between March and June each year, in the expectation that valid applications made by a nominal deadline of 30th June are issued in advance of the start of season date of 1st September. Normally, the Wildlife Licensing Unit (WLU) of National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) give an assurance that valid applications made by 30th June will be processed and licences issued in good time for the 1st September, and this was the case this year also, regardless of Covid restrictions.
Unfortunately, a significant number of hunters have still not received their licences, and this is causing a degree of unrest where deer control and culling operations are concerned.
Our suggestion to the WLU last week was that the validity of licences held for last season, 2019-2020, be extended pending issue or receipt of licences for 2020-2021, in line with similar arrangements for extension of driving licences, NCT testing, DOE testing and other regulatory licences or controls. This seems to us to be a practical and sensible way of handling a situation which is impacting negatively on persons entitled to receive DHLs, having made valid application in a timely fashion, as long ago as March, April or May of this year.
We urge you therefore to take this matter into urgent consideration and to take immediate action to rectify matters.
There are other aspects of the licensing system crying out for reform but perhaps this is a matter we can take up separately.
Yours sincerely,
Deer Alliance HCAP
Liam Nolan, Director of Deer Alliance HCAP, has published a book, “Sika the Wild Deer”, which tells the story of a wild sika stag told over his lifetime in the Wicklow Mountains. His life and times, from birth to late middle age, are observed through the eyes of a Deerstalker, accompanied by his dog and with a Raven as witness to happenings on the hill.
The story reflects the author’s lifelong interest in wild deer. Liam Nolan is a former Chairman and President of the Irish Deer Society, a member of the Irish Deer Management Forum and Secretary since 2003 of Deer Alliance HCAP.
Sika’s wanderings take him over mountains and valleys, through forests and farmland as he grapples with forces of nature while ensuring his own survival and that of his race. His story will grip the reader as Sika and the Stalker go through life together and will help the reader to better understand the balance that must prevail between man and nature.
The book is available for purchase online through the Deer Alliance website and through selected outlets. To buy now click here.
Deer Alliance HCAP has received numerous inquiries in recent days from licensed hunters who have not yet, as of today 31st August 2020, received their Deer Hunting Licence for the Season 2020-2021, which commences tomorrow 1st September 2020. This is despite the undertaking made by NPWS given subsequent to commencement of the Covid 10 lockdown, that applications received by 30th June 2020 would be issued before 1st September 2020.
The Wildlife Licensing Unit of NPWS are grappling with the difficulties generated by the lockdown and arising from limitations on resources needed to handle an ever-increasing volume of applications.
Deer Alliance HCAP has now called on the WLU to confirm that all valid DHLs for the Season 2019-2020 will be extended pending issue of licences for 2020-2021. This would be in line with precedent set for extensions of regulatory licences such as driving licences, NCTs and other regulatory controls. We have suggested that WLU and NPWS make an appropriate statement immediately so as to forestall any question of turning legal hunters into illegal hunters, by reason of the WLU’s inability to meet demand for processing of valid applications.
The following Candidates are deemed to be HCAP-Certified following successful completion of their HCAP Assessment after the Range Test held on 29th August 2020 (names, followed by HCAP Number).
Date of Certification: 29th August 2020.
BUCKLEY, Stephen, 2020/0050
FLEMING, Jake, 2020/0051
KELLY, Derek, 2020/0048
KELLY, Joe, 2020/0057
McMAHON, Brian, 2020/0052
MERRIGAN, Ian, 2020/0058
NASH, Thomas, 2020/0053
O’SULLIVAN, Chris, 2020/0024
PASCALE, Florin, 2020/0001
REDMOND, Patrick, 2020/0059
STACEY, Ciaran, 2020/0033
ST. LEGER, Anthony, 2020/0047
All Candidates in attendance were successful on this occasion and were presented with their HCAP Certificates, ID Cards and Badges at the conclusion of the Range Test. A high standard of marksmanship was evident from all candidates. Thanks go to HCAP Range Officer Pat Scully for his administration of the Range Test, also to Tony Saunders, John Paul Craven and all at Midland National Shooting Centre of Ireland for their usual very professional management of the Test on the Range.
Candidates who were No-Shows on this occasion will be carried forward to the next scheduled Range Test, except where they have missed two or more Range Tests, in which case they are automatically de-listed as eligible and can complete their HCAP only on payment of the standard HCAP Repeat Fee (€50.00)
The Range Test for HCAP Candidates having successfully completed their MCQs on 22nd August 2020 and in some cases, on previous dates, will take place on Saturday 29th August 2020 at the Midland National Shooting Ground, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m. sharp. The list includes candidates eligible for the Range Test following qualification at previous MCQs but having deferred their Range Test on previous occasions. Such candidates are reminded that if having deferred two or more Range Tests, they miss the Range Test on 29th August 2020 they will be delisted as eligible and may complete their HCAP only by re-entering for the Range Test stage and paying a Repeat Fee of €50.00.
Candidates should be present from 9.30 a.m. in order to sign in and to exhibit their current Firearms Certificate and evidence of insurance. There will be one firing detail only on this occasion and prompt attendance is essential.
Procedures to be followed at each Range Test are posted separately
BUCKLEY, Stephen
EDGE, Robert
HUNT, William
KELLY, Derek
McMAHON, Brian
NASH, Thomas
REDMOND, Patrick
STACEY, Ciaran
ST. LEGER, Anthony
The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Carlow on Saturday 22nd August 2020 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 29th August 2020. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately shortly.
Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at this MCQ on 22nd August 2020 will be carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ except where they have missed two or more MCQs without notice (date to be announced here in due course)
2020/0050, 94%, Pass
2020/0055, 96%, Pass
2020/0051, 94%, Pass
2020/0049, 82%, Pass
2020/0054, 94%, Pass
2020/0048, 88%, Pass
2020/0057, 94%, Pass
2020/0052, 92%, Pass
2020/0058, 86%, Pass
2020/0053, 94%, Pass
2020/0024, 84%, Pass
2020/0001, 94%, Pass
2020/0059, 84%, Pass
2020/0033, 82%, Pass
2020/0047, 94%, Pass
Congratulations to all Candidates.
The next scheduled HCAP MCQ and RANGE TEST will take place on Saturday 22nd August 2020 (4.00 p.m., preceded by optional Training Workshop, 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.)
The venue for this MCQ will be the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny Road, Carlow, Co. Carlow, R93 N207. NOTE CHANGE FROM USUAL VENUE FOR THIS MCQ.
The supporting Range Test for successful candidates from the MCQ will take place on Saturday 29th August at the Midland Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, commencing at 10.00 a.m.
The MCQ will be supported on 22nd August by an optional Training Workshop (add-on cost €50.00, payable on the day) running from 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 .pm. The MCQ will take place at 4.00 p.m., same day.
The following candidates are eligible for this MCQ:
BUCKLEY, Stephen
COOKE, Declan
DEDAJ, Kristian
FINN, Richard
HAMILL, Michael
HARVEY, Brendan
HUNT, William
KELLY, Derek
LARKIN, Andrea
McMAHON, Brian
MURPHY, Patrick
NASH, Thomas
REDMOND, Patrick
ROONEY, Paul, 2020/0027
STACEY, Ciaran
ST. LEGER, Anthony
TICE, Patrick