A number of queries have surfaced in recent weeks concerning the nature of the Deer Alliance Hunter Competence Assessment Programme (HCAP).
Deer Alliance HCAP is an assessment and certification body only. It does not provide training, either in preparation for the HCAP process, or generally. The different deer organisations, including the Irish Deer Society through its various branches, or the Wild Deer Association of Ireland, do provide training both on an ongoing basis, and through pre-HCAP Workshops. IDS and WDAI are participating bodies within the Deer Alliance, and interested persons can get further information on membership and membership benefits from their respective websites, www.irishdeersociety.ie or www.wilddeerireland.com.
The Deer Alliance has published a Stalker Training Manual cost €35.00 including p. & p. Order Forms can be downloaded from the website, www.deeralliance.ie, where further information on the framework and terms of reference of HCAP is also available. Candidates are expected not to rely exclusively on the Stalker Training Manual but to look to the many other sources of information which are available, and on their own experience in the field.