
Young Sika female (click to enlarge)

The next scheduled HCAP MCQ will take place on Saturday 26th July 2014, at 4 p.m. at the Ionad Dara Community Centre, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny. Application and payment for HCAP assessment & certification (€100.00) can be made online through the Deer Alliance website (www.deeralliance.ie, “Online Applications”).
The MCQ will be preceded on the same day by a Training Workshop running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Training Workshop is not obligatory but is considered by previous candidates to be invaluable in achieving success in the MCQ. It is subject to an additional cost of €50.00, payable on the day, but booking must be made in advance by email to deeralliance@gmail.com or by text to 086 1927 845.
The Deer Alliance Stalker Training Manual is available through the website, cost €35.00 inc. p. & p. Purchase of the Manual is not obligatory but again, considered invaluable as it contains all the relevant material for success in the MCQ, and much more besides.
The next scheduled HCAP Range Test will take place at the Midlands National Shooting Ground (Midlands Rifle Club), Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly from 10 a.m. on Saturday 9th August 2014.





Red Stag at Screebe: photo by Paul Wood

The following Candidates (total 74) are certified as HCAP-qualified, having passed the HCAP Range Test held on 7 June 2014, and are now listed on the Register of HCAP-Certified Persons registered with Coillte Teoranta and National Parks & Wildlife Service.

The Deer Alliance Hunter Competence Assessment Programme is now in its ninth year of operation, having been implemented in 2005 following four years of development.

Date of Certification: 7 June 2014.

Aherne, Raymond, 2010/0220
Bates, Neil, 2014/0018
Bakonyi, Norbert, 2014/0076
Barron, Declan, 2014/0079
Bennett, Joseph, 2013/0109
Black, Neville, 2014/0023
Brunton, David, 2014/0052
Brannigan, Gareth, 2014/0012
Byrne, Luke, 2014/0063
Cahill, Fergus, 2014/0034
Coady, Mark, 2013/0073
Craig, Thomas, 2014/0028,
Crotty, Gerard, 2014/0040
Darcy, Michael, 2014/0062
Day, Johnny, 2014/0047
Delaney, Declan, 2014/0043
Devereux, Pat, 2014/0071
Dillon, Kieran, 2014/0010
Donagher, John, 2014/0037
Dooner, Timothy, 2014/0042
Doyle, Joseph R., 2014/0069
Dunbar, Stephen, 2014/0059
Edmondson, Harold, 2014/0050
Egan, Kieran, 2014/0017
Fantino, Stefano, 2014/0019
Farrell, Dan, 2014/ 0016
Fay, Martin, 2014/0029
Fegan, Mark, 2014/0025
Flynn, Patrick, 2013/0001
Fortune, Vincent, 2014/0046
Foxton, Joseph, 2014/0048
Gabor, Peter, 2014/0066
Gaborcik, Sebastian, 2014/0070
Gajdos, Jakub, 2014/0068
Garret, Des, 2014/0078
Gheorghiu, Adrian Octav, 2014/0072
Golea, George, 2014/0051
Hickey, Kieran, 2014/0009
Hoey, Kenneth, 2014/0077
Hoey, Michael, 2014/0054
Kane, Robert, 2013/0105
Kavanagh, Jonathan, 2014/0033
Kieran, Noel, 2014/0013
Lawlor, Patsy, 2014/0053
Liptrot, David Stuart, 2014/0004
Maher, Patrick, 2014/0002
Marshall, Robert, 2014/0005
Matthews, Ian, 2014/0049
McDermott, Derek, 2014/0024
McDermott, John, 2014/0006
McLaughlin, Peter, 2014/0003
Moloney, John, 2014/0035
Morrow, Garry, 2014/0022
Murphy, Gregory, 2014/0001
Murphy, Paddy, 2014/0045
Nielsen, Niels, 2013/0065
O’Brien, Barry, 2013/0089
O’Brien, William, 2014/0060
O’Connell, Patrick, 2014/0020
O’Connor, Gerard, 2014/0065
O’Donoghue, Martin, 2014/0064
O’Dwyer, Joe, 2014/0027
O’Dwyer, Patrick J., 2014/0031
O’Reilly, Alan, 2014/0061
O’Riordan, David, 2014/0055
O’Shea, Daniel, 2014/0007
Reynolds, Karl, 2014/0021
Ryan, Keith, 2014/0011
Shanahan, Matthew, 2014/0058
Sheeran, Samuel, 2014/0041
Twomey, Patrick, 2014/0008
Walsh, Jason, 2014/0074
Warren, Philip, 2014/0073
White, Keith, 2014/0057
White, Stephen, 2014/0067

All Candidates participating in this Range Test were successful on this occasion.







Midland Range Location Maps (click to enlarge)

All HCAP Candidates are required to note the following matters in relation to Range Tests conducted at the Midland National Shooting Grounds (“MRC”), at Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly:

1: Only Candidates who have passed the HCAP MCQ may take the HCAP Range Test.

2: Candidates must use a rifle of calibre legal for hunting deer in Ireland, i.e. minimum legal calibre .22/250.

3: All firearms must be transported in sleeves or cases. The firing bolt should be removed and carried separately. Firing bolts should be inserted only when preparing to shoot. At all times when not actually shooting, the bolt should be removed and a breech flag inserted.

4: All Candidates are required to carry fully adequate Shooting Insurance and must provide evidence of insurance to MRC on the day of any Range Test. Current Countryside Alliance, IFA Countryside or NARGC membership all satisfy the insurance requirement.

5: The law requires that a valid firearms certificate must be carried when using or transporting any firearm. The firearm certificate covers the “use, possession or carriage” of the firearm. MRC require HCAP Candidates to exhibit their firearm certificate before proceeding to the Range Test.

6: All Candidates are required to sign in at the main MRC check-in desk on arrival at the Range, and before proceeding to the Windmill Range on which the HCAP Range Tests take place, and to exhibit evidence of insurance and firearm certificate on request. No insurance, no Range Test; no Firearms Certificate, no Range Test.

7: Sound Moderators are permitted only where MRC Range Officials are satisfied that the Moderator is factory-fitted and that the firearm in question is in proof.

8: Following experimentation over a number of Range Tests, Deer Alliance HCAP has adopted the following procedures in respect of Range Tests:

a)      All Candidates will be listed alphabetically (surname first) and allocated to firing details accordingly.

b)      Each Firing Detail has up to 16 positions (up to 16 Candidates to each Detail).

c)      The first Firing Detail will always kick off at 10 a.m. sharp, with approximately 45 minutes allowed for each Detail.

d)     All Candidates are urged to arrive at MRC not later than 9.30 a.m. on the day of any Range Test, to allow time for registration procedures as set out above.

e)      Thereafter, HCAP Range Officials will allocate positions on each Detail according to alphabetical order and actual presence on the Range.

f)       Deferrals must be notified in writing (email or text message) to the Deer Alliance not less than 3 days before any Range Test. “No-shows”, i.e. non-attendance without notification, may result in loss of entitlement to complete the HCAP Certification programme.

g)      The Range Test consists of accurate grouping of three shots in a four-inch circle at a distance of 100 metres, taken in the prone position; followed by accurate placement of six shots in the heart/lung area of a life-size deer target (two shots prone or sitting at 100 metres, two shots sitting or kneeling at sixty metres and two shots standing at 40 metres). Normal stalking aids may be used e.g. slings, bipods/tripods or stalking sticks. Candidates are permitted two attempts at the grouping target followed by one attempt at the deer target or one attempt at the grouping target and two attempts at the deer target.

h)      After shooting, each Candidate, pass or fail, is given a slip with his or her name on it and indicating pass or fail, and attempts taken. This slip (pass or fail) must be presented to the HCAP Administrator Liam Nolan before leaving the Range in order to receive the HCAP Certificate and/or to register for any subsequent Range Test.

i)        Candidates taking two or more attempts at the overall Range Test on any given day are required to pay a Repeat Fee of €25.00. The Repeat Fee if taking the Range Test for a second or further time on any subsequent Range Test day is €50.00. Repeats on the day of the Range Test are entirely at the discretion of the designated HCAP Range Officials.

j)        Safety is paramount at all times and any lapse will be severely penalised. All Candidates are issued with the Deer Alliance “Safe Stalking” safety leaflet and. copies will be available at each Range Test. It is the responsibility of each Candidate to ensure that best practice safety procedures are followed at all times.


Enquiries by email to deeralliance@gmail.com


Sika Hind Target

Sika Hind – Range Test Target 

The following Candidates are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test taking place at the Midland Rifle Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on Saturday 7th June 2014.

Candidates are listed to shoot alphabetically, in Firing Details of 15 shooters at a time. The Range Test will commence at 10 a.m. sharp and Candidates are required to be present at the Range not later than 9.30 a.m. in order to register to shoot and to receive a Safety Briefing. Candidates are required to sign in at the Range, to produce a valid Firearms Certificate in respect of the firearm to be used and to produce evidence of valid insurance cover.

Approximately forty minutes is allocated for each Firing Detail and Candidates can estimate their likely start time on this basis. However it is recommended that all Candidates be present on the Range from 9.30 a.m. as places will open up on each Detail where eligible Candidates fail to appear on time or at all.
Candidates are reminded that zeroing of firearms is not permitted on the day of the Range Test.

A full rundown of procedures followed at HCAP Range Tests together with a location map will appear here separately.


Aherne, Raymond, 2010/0220

Bates, Neil, 2014/0018

Bakonyi, Norbert, 2014/0076

Barron, Declan, 2014/0079

Bennett, Joseph, 2013/0109

Black, Neville, 2014/0023

Brunton, David, 2014/0052

Brannigan, Gareth, 2014/0012

Byrne, Luke, 2014/0063

Cahill, Fergus, 2014/0034

Coady, Mark, 2013/0073

Cullen, Brian, 2014/0044

Craig, Thomas, 2014/0028,

Crotty, Gerard, 2014/0040

Dalton, David, 2014/0056

Darcy, Michael, 2014/0062

Day, Johnny, 2014/0047

Delaney, Declan, 2014/0043

Devereux, Pat, 2014/0071

Dillon, Kieran, 2014/0010

Donagher, John, 2014/0037,

Dooner, Timothy, 2014/0042

Doyle, Joseph R., 2014/0069

Dunbar, Stephen, 2014/0059

Dunne, Jonathan, 2012/0066*

Edmondson, Harold, 2014/0050

Egan, Kieran, 2014/0017

Fantino, Stefano, 2014/0019

Farrell, Dan, 2014/001

Fay, Martin, 2014/0029

Fegan, Mark, 2014/0025

Flynn, Patrick, 2013/0001 *

Fortune, Vincent, 2014/0046

Foxton, Joseph, 2014/0048

Gabor, Peter, 2014/0066

Gaborcik, Sebastian, 2014/0070

Gajdos, Jakub, 2014/0068

Garret, Des, 2014/0078

Gheorghiu, Adrian Octav, 2014/0072

Golea, George, 2014/0051

Hickey, Kieran, 2014/0009

Hoey, Kenneth, 2014/0077

Hoey, Michael, 2014/0054

Horan, John, 2013/0096

Kane, Robert, 2013/0105*

Kavanagh, Jonathan, 2014/0033

Kieran, Noel, 2014/0013

King, Patrick J., 2012/0073*

Lawlor, Patsy, 2014/0053

Liptrot, Stuart, 2014/0004

Maher, Patrick, 2014/0002

Marshall, Robert, 2014/0005

Matthews, Ian, 2014/0049

McDermott, Derek, 2014/0024

McDermott, John, 2014/0006

McLaughlin, Peter, 2014/0003

Moloney, John, 2014/0035

Morrow, Garry, 2014/0022

Mulvany, David, 2013/0009*

Murphy, Gregory, 2014/0001

Murphy, Paddy, 2014/0045

Nielsen, Niels, 2013/0065

O’Brien, Barry, 2013/0089

O’Brien, William, 2014/0060

O’Connell, Patrick, 2014/0020

O’Connor, Gerard, 2014/0065

O’Donoghue, Martin, 2014/0064

O’Dwyer, Joe, 2014/0027

O’Dwyer, Patrick J., 2014/0031

O’Reilly, Alan, 2014/0061

O’Riordan, David, 2014/0055

O’Shea, Daniel, 2014/0007

Reynolds, Karl, 2014/0021

Ryan, Keith, 2014/0011

Scully, Declan, 2013/0024*

Shanahan, Matthew, 2014/0058

Sheeran, Samuel, 2014/0041

Toomey, Patrick, 2014/0008

Walsh, Jason, 2014/0074

Warren, Philip, 2014/0073

White, Keith, 2014/0057

White, Stephen, 2014/0067



Candidates marked with an asterisk are eligible from MCQs held prior to 2014 and must complete the Range Test stage of HCAP Assessment under the 180-day Rule or risk having to re-sit the MCQ in order to retain eligibility for completion of HCAP.





Sika stags in summer coat , at rest (click to enlarge) 

The following candidates (numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on Saturday 24 May 2014 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range on Saturday 7 June 2014.

2010/0220, 88%, Pass

2014/0076, 88%, Pass

2014/0079, 98%, Pass

2014/0052, 84%, Pass

2014/0063, 88%, Pass

2014/0056, 98%, Pass

2014/0062, 84%, Pass

2014/0071, 94%, Pass

2014/0069, 86%, Pass

2014/0059, 94%, Pass

2014/0017, 92%, Pass

2014/0066, 92%, Pass

2014/0070, 92%, Pass

2014/0068, 92%, Pass

2014/0078, 90%, Pass

2014/0072, 80%, Pass

2014/0077, 96%, Pass

2014/0054, 98%, Pass

2014/0033, 88%, Pass

2014/0013, 98%, Pass

2014/0053, 96%, Pass

2014/0024, 88%, Pass

2014/0005, 96%, Pass

2014/0060, 86%, Pass

2014/0065, 92%, Pass

2014/0064, 100%, Pass

2014/0061, 98%, Pass

2014/0055, 92%, Pass

2014/0058, 98%, Pass

2014/0041, 86%, Pass

2014/0074, 98%, Pass

2014/0073, 84%, Pass

2014/0057, 92%, Pass

2014/0067, 90%, Pass

2014/0016, 82%, Pass

A complete list of all candidates eligible to participate in the Range Test on 7th June 2014 (arising from other MCQs) will be posted here shortly, together with a note on procedures at Range Tests.




Stalking Opportunities, Season 2014-2015


Sika stag in forestry (click to enlarge)

From time to time, Deer Alliance HCAP receives inquiries from individuals regarding availability of stalking in Ireland, and from holders of sporting rights (including Coillte licence holders) offering opportunities for stalking, including syndicate membership.

Deer Alliance HCAP is not in the general business of “matchmaking” such parties but is happy to bring people together in the interests of promoting best-practice management of wild deer by qualified and accredited persons. In this context we have received communications from licence holders willing to offer syndicate membership on Coillte licences in Counties Wicklow and Tipperary to suitable HCAP-qualified stalkers. For further information, email deeralliance@gmail.com in confidence, setting out full contact details.





Blaser R8 2

(Click to enlarge)

The date for the next scheduled HCAP Range Test is Saturday 7th June 2014 and not 28th June as reported elsewhere.

A full list of eligible Candidates will be posted here on or about 3rd June 2014, together with a note on procedures for the Range Test and a location map for the Midland Range.






Young Fallow in summer pelage (click to enlarge)

The following Candidates remain eligible to participate in the next scheduled HCAP MCQ (date to be posted here on this blog in due course), being paid-up Candidates who have not yet participated in any MCQ up to and including that held on 24th May 2014.

Amrein, Rudi, 2013/0115

Cahill, Patrick, 2012/0042

Carr, Peter, 2014/0039

Carroll, Michael, 2013/0014

Coady, Mark, 2014/0036

Colfer, Michael, J. 2013/0081

Connor, Oliver, 2012/0091

Crotty, Paul, 2013/0077

Devlin, Lisa, 2013/0087

Fedigan, Patrick, 2014/0026

Fitzgerald, Daire, 2013/0112

Greaney, Stephen, 2013/0016

Hand (Jnr.), Paul, 2013/0036

Haughey, Gavin, 2012/0003

Hendrick, Earl, 2013/0097

Hickey, Francis, 2012/0016

Hughes, Jamie, 2013/0125

King, Patrick J., 2012/0073

McGuill, Pat, 2013/0079

Moore, Kevin, 2014/0015

Neville, Pat, 2012/0097

O’Toole, Michael, 2012/0096

Page, Aaron, 2012/0092

Phelan, Patrick, 2014/0038

Schots, Auke, 2014/0075






Sika Hind and calf (click to enlarge)

Applications for the above HCAP MCQ are now closed.

Application for participation in the Training Workshop to be held from 10 a.m. to 3.45 p.m. on Saturday can be made up to 5 p.m. on Friday 23rd May 2014, and payment (€50.00) can be made on Saturday.

A full list of eligible candidates for the MCQ can be viewed on an earlier post on this blog, see below. Candidates are asked to make a permanent note of their personal HCAP Number as subsequent inquiries cannot be entertained without this number.

Participants in the Training Workshop should bring lunch if possible as to ensure completion of the Workshop Agenda, time for breaks will be limited. Tea/coffee will be available.

The MCQ will commence at 4 p.m. sharp, in the Community Centre (beside the Roman Catholic Church (Church of the Holy Trinity, Church Street), Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, where the Workshop also takes place.



DSC_2849_thumbSika stag

The following Candidates (listed by HCAP Number and Pass Mark) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny on Saturday 26th April 2014 and are eligible to participate in the Range Test to be held at the Midlands Rifle Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly on Saturday 7th June 2014. Full details of the Range Test, including Candidate requirements and a list of all Candidates eligible from this and other MCQs, will be posted here on or about 1st June 2014.

All Candidates were successful in this MCQ.

2013/0109, 90%, Pass

2014/0023, 88%, Pass

2014/0012, 90%, Pass

2014/0034, 94%, Pass

2014/0044, 90%, Pass

2014/0028, 94%, Pass

2014/0040, 90%, Pass

2014/0047, 90%, Pass

2014/0043, 98%, Pass

2014/0010, 98%, Pass

2014/0037, 92%, Pass

2014/0042, 96%, Pass

2014/0050, 90%, Pass

2014/0029, 94%, Pass

2014/0025, 96%, Pass

2014/0046, 90%, Pass

2014/0048, 86%, Pass

2014/0051, 82%, Pass

2014/0009, 88%, Pass

2014/0049, 98%, Pass

2014/0003, 88%, Pass

2014/0035, 94%, Pass

2014/0022, 92%, Pass

2014/0001, 90%, Pass

2014/0045, 96%, Pass

2014/0027, 100%, Pass

2014/0031, 88%, Pass

2014/0021, 86%, Pass

2014/0011, 98%, Pass