Memorandum of Understanding between NPWS and Coillte


National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Coillte have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that establishes the framework for greater partnership and collaboration for the delivery of nature conservation projects and the management of the respective estates of both organisations.

New agreement between NPWS and Coillte will promote partnership, collaboration and enhanced co-operation to restore nature. Priority areas for action include threatened habitats and species. The first project – ‘Slieve Blooms Nature Project’ – will target conservation measures for the Hen Harrier.

Through greater collaboration and the alignment of shared objectives for nature, NPWS and Coillte will deliver positive conservation projects aimed at protecting, enhancing and restoring important ecosystems. Priority actions will include the co-design and co-delivery of conservation measures through agreed site action plans, with a focus on protected habitats such as raised and blanket bog, heaths and wetlands, lakes and rivers, and for threatened species such as Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Hen Harrier, Merlin and breeding waders.

Welcoming the MoU at the Ploughing Championships on 17th September 2024 in Ratheniska, Co Laois, Minister for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan TD said:

“This agreement between NPWS and Coillte is a huge opportunity to restore nature at scale across Ireland. By bringing together the national agency responsible for biodiversity and Ireland’s state forestry company – two of the largest landowners in the country, to address shared challenges and maximise shared opportunities, we are prioritising actions to restore nature and meet our obligations under the Birds and Habitats Directives but also deliver for the Nature Restoration Law. I have long been of the view that reversing biodiversity loss is not the sole responsibility of any one organisation; we need a whole of government, whole of society approach. That is why this strategic alliance is so important and I am excited at the impact for nature that will emerge. I’m particularly pleased that the first project to be undertaken through the new MoU will be to protect the Hen Harrier in the Slieve Blooms.

“Areas of partnership and collaboration referenced in the MoU include biodiversity enhancement and restoration, forest redesign and peatland restoration, the delivery of actions to assist in the achievement of Site Specific Conservation Objectives, support for operational forest management, research and information data sharing, and funding and resourcing. Platforms for professional exchange and liaison are also outlined, along with agreements to collaborate closely on knowledge-sharing, development of best practice guidelines, habitat assessment, policy and regulation, and scientific research.”

Welcoming the announcement, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Senator Pippa Hackett said:

“I believe the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding between Coillte and NPWS will ultimately prove to be a very positive step for the enhancement of our natural environment. Given the scale of their respective land banks and expertise, as well as the impending introduction of the Nature Restoration Law, closer collaboration between these two State agencies is a really welcome move, and I am excited to see the relationship between Coillte and NPWS go from strength to strength in the coming years.

Niall Ó Donnchú, Director General of NPWS said:

“Coillte is one of the largest landowners in the State and is already undertaking progressive projects and providing strategic leadership for nature across its landholdings. NPWS is delighted to enter this Memorandum of Understanding with the company, as it is a portal to significant future projects and cooperation for nature and, in particular, in relation to Hen Harrier conservation, peatlands’ restoration and wetlands initiatives.”

Imelda Hurley, CEO Coillte said:

“Coillte is delighted to significantly deepen its collaboration with NPWS through this MoU. The objective of this MoU aligns perfectly with our own strategic ambitions to balance and deliver the multiple benefits of forests for climate, nature, wood and people. One of our strategic ambitions is to enhance and restore biodiversity by increasing the area of our estate managed primarily for nature from 20% to 30% by 2025 and to transform areas of our forests so that 50% of our estate is managed primarily for nature in the long-term, while continuing to supply sustainably grown Irish wood. We look forward to commencing this important work with NPWS as soon as possible.”

Read the Memorandum of Understanding HERE