The following candidates (HCAP numbers, followed by mark achieved) were successful in the HCAP MCQ held in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Carlow, on Saturday 29th June 2024 and are eligible to participate in the HCAP Range Test to be held at the Midlands Range, Blue Ball, Tullamore, Co. Offaly R35 NC58 on Saturday 6th July 2024. Procedures for Range Tests will be posted here separately.

Candidates who were Deferrals or No-Shows at this MCQ on 29th June 2024 will be carried forward to the next scheduled MCQ, except where they have missed two or more MCQs without notice, in which case they are now de-listed as eligible and must re-enter the HCAP process as Repeat Candidates if they wish to complete their HCAP Certification.

2024/0085, 94%, Pass
2023/0130, 94%, Pass
2024/0107, 92%, Pass
2024/0090, 98%, Pass
2024/0109, 90%, Pass
2024/0080, 96%, Pass
2024/0083, 90%, Pass
2024/0084, 80%, Pass
2024/0108, 90%, Pass
2024/0089, 86%, Pass
2024/0068, 80% Pass
2024/0081, 96%, Pass
2024/0103, 84%, Pass
2024/0094, 80%, Pass
2024/0095, 80%, Pass
2024/0101, 90%, Pass
2024/0099, 90%, Pass
2024/0106, 80%, Pass
2024/0082, 86%, Pass
2024/0086, 94%, Pass
2024/0028, 90%, Pass
2024/0074, 92%, Pass
2024/0014, 96%, Pass
2024/0091, 96%, Pass
2024/0104, 88%, Pass
2024/0098, 88%, Pass
2024/0102, 90%, Pass
2024/0100, 100%, Pass
2024/0105, 86%, Pass
2024/0087, 96%, Pass
2024/0088, 86%, Pass
2024/0041, 92%, Pass
2024/0015, 94%, Pass
2024/0111, 86%, Pass
2024/0019, 88%, Pass
2024/0020, 82%, Pass
2024/0021, 86%, Pass
2024/0022, 88%, Pass
2024/0050, 84%, Pass
2024/0110, 94%, Pass
2024/0096, 96%, Pass

The following candidate (HCAP number, followed by mark achieved) was unsuccessful and is required to re-sit the MCQ stage before proceeding to any Range Test. The application fee for Repeat Candidates is €50.00. “Fail” grades may be appealed to the HCAP Assessment Committee, subject to written application accompanied by re-checking fee, €50.00. Where written application for re-checking is received, it is reviewed by the Committee at the next scheduled Committee meeting following receipt of application. Applications for re-checking must be received within 10 (ten) days of publication of results on this blog.

2024/0097, 72%, Fail