The Coillte Catalogue of available deer licences (Primary Tender Competition 2017) has been re-posted on the Coillte website today 28th April 2017.
The tender closing date of 5th May 2017 remains in place.
The reference to DSC2 in relation to three named forest blocks remains in place but has been expanded as follows:
“In addition to HCAP – applicants for the following licences will require to hold the Deer Management Qualifications –DSC level 2 or similar approved qualification which certifies and individuals practical competence in deer management and firearms safety. The final selection of successful licence holders may be subject to interview.” (stet)
Deer organisations represented on the Deer Alliance Development Committee (HCAP Committee) remain concerned at the unannounced imposition of an additional external qualification which precludes the vast majority of licensed deer hunters and potential Coillte licensees from tendering on the forest blocks in question. It is expected that this matter will be pursued with Coillte Teoranta at the earliest opportunity.