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The following Press Release has been received from The Wild Deer Association of Ireland:

Significant Decline in Ireland’s Deer Cull

Information recently released by the National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) show a significant decline in the number of wild deer culled by licensed deer hunters. This decline is despite a dramatic increase in the number of licenses issued to hunt deer by Minister Jimmy Deenihan, with over 1,000 new hunting licenses issued in the last 3 years, bringing the national total to 4,501.

Deer hunters, when renewing their deer hunting licenses, are legally required to make a cull return annually to NPWS stating how many deer they culled during the previous hunting season. The most recent returns show a decline in the number of deer culled in all counties and across all deer species, with an overall decrease of 3,000 deer in comparison to the previous hunting season. The cull returns do not include deer killed illegally by poachers, which is believed to be at an unprecedented level nationally.

The Wild Deer Association of Ireland is an organisation representing Ireland’s deer hunters and their spokesperson, Damien Hannigan, commented, “The latest cull returns from NPWS are very worrying and consistent with reports from our members, who say deer numbers have been decimated in many areas from hunting pressures and widespread poaching”.

We have consistently expressed our concerns to Minister Deenihan over the level of pressure on the deer population from poaching; stating that it was unsustainable and sadly these figures vindicate our concerns. In a further development we have been recently approached by NPWS conservation rangers, claiming that they are actively discouraged by middle management from investigating incidents of deer poaching. We find these claims disturbing, as enforcing our wildlife laws is not optional and the WDAI have written to Minister Deenihan on this matter“.

A further indication of the decline in deer numbers is the significant reduction in the number of permits issued under Section 42 of the Wildlife Act  by Minister Deenihan, which allow for the killing of deer outside the designated hunting season (September 1st – February 28th), where genuine crop damage is caused by wild deer. Despite the decline in deer numbers, Minister Deenihan issued 204 of these permits during the months of June, July and August, when female deer have dependant young. The killing of female deer during these months often results in their young suffering a horrendous death from starvation.

For further information, contact:

Damien Hannigan


Wild Deer Association of Ireland

PO Box 31 Midleton

Co. Cork

087 2496987

7 March 2013


Figures just released by the National Parks & Wildlife Service show that the total recorded cull of wild deer in Ireland during the 2011-2012 hunting season was 31980, of which 11776 or almost 37% were shot in Wicklow. The total figure included 2698 red deer, 14224 fallow deer, 14117 sika deer, 935 sika/red hybrid deer and 6 muntjac deer. A total of 425 “Section 42” licences* were issued during the calendar year January to December 2012, of which 27 were issued to cover shooting at night, using lamps (25 of which were issued in Wicklow). A total of 4501 deer hunting licences were issued altogether (which includes 283 out-of-State hunters), suggesting another incremental growth of approximately 10% year-on-year in the number of persons hunting wild deer under licence.

*Section 42 licences cover out-of-season shooting and other special situations including agricultural damage and for scientific purposes.


An elk enjoys a meal of long grass in Jasper National Park on Oct. 15, 2012.
Photograph by: John Lucas , Edmonton Journal

From the Calgary Herald, 6 November 2012…… Irish Courts please take note!

EDMONTON (CANADA) – An Edmonton man and woman have been fined $100,000 and banned from any hunting related activities for 25 years after pleading guilty to poaching charges.

Kristopher Brophy, 35, and Michelle Haseloh, 25, pleaded guilty Tuesday in a Stony Plain courtroom to numerous charges under the Wildlife Act.

Brophy was fined $80,000 and Haseloh was fined $20,000. Brophy was also ordered to forfeit his Hummer vehicle because it had been used in the poaching crimes, said Brendan Cox, a spokesman for Alberta Justice.

Brophy and Haseloh were involved in the poaching and trafficking of elk, deer and moose.

They also pleaded guilty to hunting at night, firing at animals from a motor vehicle, hunting out of season and wasting edible meat, Cox said.

“These two aren’t your typical hunters, they are poachers,” Cox said.

Fish and wildlife officers in the major investigations and intelligence unit launched a lengthy and targeted investigation after numerous complaints about illegal hunting in 2010 and 2011.

The investigation covered a wide area of Alberta including Athabasca, Barrhead, Drayton Valley, Edmonton, Evansburg, Stony Plain, Spirit River, Valleyview, Vegreville and Wetaskiwin.

“That’s a lot. It means they’ve been doing this for a long time,” said Martin Sharren, executive vice-president for the Alberta Fish and Game Association.

He said the penalty was “a step in the right direction” but should be higher.

“The penalty has to make an impact. A message has to be sent,” he said. “Wildlife belongs to everybody.”

In other jurisdictions, the couple would be looking at jail time, he said. “This is not hunting. That’s poaching. It’s totally unethical.”

In Alberta, the maximum penalty for illegally selling wildlife is $100,000 in fines or two years in jail. Illegally possessing wildlife can net $50,000 in fines or one year in jail.

© Copyright (c) The Edmonton Journal


The 2nd Annual IDS Deer Fair will take place under the auspices of the Irish Deer Society on Saturday 9th March and Sunday 10th March 2013 in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh, Glendalough, Co Wicklow.  The Fair will run from 12 noon – 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sunday. The IDS will put on a display of African Heads. 

The Irish Trophy Commission will mount a display of medal heads and ITC Accredited Head Measurers will be present  on both days to measure heads if needed. There will be deer-related exhibitors’ stands present and they should be of interest to all. Countryside Alliance Ireland will also be present. There will be guest speakers on both days to talk on deer related matters.

Light refreshments will be available in the Centre. Entrance fee is €5.00/family.

For more information, contact Vincent Coffey, National Secretary, Irish Deer Society (tel. 087 280 7563).


The Irish Trophy Commission is pleased to confirm that Countryside Alliance Ireland has accepted an invitation to be represented on the Commission’s Advisory Board, joining the Irish Deer Society and the Wild Deer Association of Ireland. The Advisory Board now comprises Richard Adams (Irish Deer Society), Pat Scully (Wild Deer Association of Ireland) and Lyall Plant (Countryside Alliance), together with the Commission’s founding Directors, Liam McGarry, Joe Murphy and Liam Nolan.

The Irish Trophy Commission measures trophy heads principally for the three Irish deer species, Red, Fallow and Sika, and awards certificates and medals based on the ITC, CIC (Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier) International Council for Game & Wildlife Conservation and Rowland Ward measurement criteria.

ITC measurers are fully trained, accredited and experienced in the task of measuring trophy heads. Trophy measurement is utilised to track the quality, including the genetic quality, and outcome of selective deer management and as part of the ITC contribution to education and research in the matter of wild deer in Ireland.

Nominated Trainee Head Measurers will now be trained in head measuring techniques and criteria by ITC Accredited Measurers, so that trophy measurement will be available throughout Ireland. Persons wishing to have heads assessed and measured can contact ITC Secretary Joe Murphy, tel. no. 087 283 4662. A nominal charge applies in respect of the expenses of the Accredited Measurer carrying out any head measurement. ITC is a not-for-profit organisation committed to contributing to the better management of game and wildlife in Ireland.


The first round of HCAP MCQs for 2013 will be held as follows:

Wednesday 20th March 2013, 8 p.m., Lynham’s Hotel, Laragh, Co. Wicklow (enquiries/applications directly to Deer Alliance HCAP, tel. 086 1927 845)

Saturday 20th April 2013, 2.30 p.m. Kilcoran Lodge Hotel, Cahir, Co. Tipperary (enquiries/applications to Wild Deer Association of Ireland, tel. 087 249 6987).

Application Forms for HCAP Assessment can be downloaded at Please note that the correct postal address for Deer Alliance HCAP is PO Box 1, Borris, Co. Carlow.

Further dates/venues in other locations will be announced on this blog in due course.


A dog tracking event for deer stalking breeds will take place on Sunday February 24th 2013 near Cahir, Co. Tipperary. Renowned dog tracking trainers from the Hunting Dog Academy in Germany, Lisa Gaidies, Andrew Phillips and Sebastian Meyer will attend as guests of the association especially for this event, the first of its kind to be held in Ireland.

Lisa Gaidies has been a professional gundog trainer for 10 years and is the proud owner of her own hunting dog school ( She is the head trainer for several well known German GSP and GWP kennels, author for a German hunting magazine and has successfully trained HPR dogs to the highest standard. 

Sebastian Meyer is a very experienced all round hunter with many years of boar and deer stalking, specialising in training blood tracking breeds, he will also give a presentation on shot reaction from blood, hair and bone at the site of a successful stalk.

The WDAI has been to the fore in ensuring the endorsed and ethical method of deer stalking with the aid of a tracking dog continues in Ireland by having the Wildlife Amendment Bill 2010 amended to protect this important practice. They also formed the first dedicated group for those with an interest in tracking dogs in Ireland, with the aim to provide and share information along with hosting related events. If you would like to join this group please contact Paul Hogan on 087 142 5527.

If you use a dog for deer stalking this event should not to be missed, to attend you must book in advance and places are limited, contact or 087 249 6987. This event is supported by the Irish Kennel Club and Countryside Alliance Ireland.

Carcass Handling Seminar
WDAI will hold their 16th Carcass Handling Seminar on Sunday February 24th at 2pm. This year’s seminar will be held in the Community Hall, Cahir Co Tipperary. The hall is located off Church Street and will be sign posted on the day. Fresh deer carcasses are not required for this seminar. The Skill and Knowledge of Carcass Handling is something that we all require new or old to deer-stalking and the committee request the support of all members for this event.

The seminar is free of charge & open to WDAI members only. To gain access to the seminar you will require a current membership card. Outstanding membership can be paid on the day or posted in advance to us at PO Box 31, Midleton, Co Cork. For new members please visit for our membership application.

Speakers will include veterinarian and deer stalker George Lane on disease identification and general deer health, along with carcass preparation and home butchery by game butcher and deer-stalker David Dunne. A chef will also give a venison cookery demonstration. A Venison BBQ and hot refreshments will be served. WDAI also have a large range of discounted game butchery/deer-stalking equipment available with all profits going to the Association.


Responses to the Inter-Agency Review Group Deer Management Policy Vision Document (Second Draft) are now available on the website of the Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture,

Submissions were received from the following bodies:

Countryside Alliance Ireland

David O’Brien

Joint Submission on behalf of Deer Organisations & Countryside Alliance Ireland  

Green Belt Ltd.

Heritage Council

Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers’ Association

Irish Farmers’ Association

Jim Walsh

John Fenton

Manor Kilbride Branch IFA

Michael Goss

National Association of Regional Game Councils  

Paddy Sleeman

Paul Cullen

Saskiade Jong  

Sporting Rights Owners’ Association Ireland

Wicklow Deer Management Group

Wicklow Deer Society

Wild Deer Association of Ireland  

Woodlands of Ireland